The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that we have recently changed the “Case Studies” section of our Archives and Collections website to link to another blog called “The Hatchery”.
As you will see from a previous blog post, The Hatchery has existed for a little while now as a place to bring together the myriad of creative ways that talented individuals have been using GSA’s Library, Archives and Collections. However, we thought it was high time that it earned its place as a prominent feature on our website…
The Archives and Collections will continue to add examples to The Hatchery of where artists, writers, researchers and other creative practitioners have used our resources as the starting point for their practice. We hope that this will inspire people to continue to utilise our resources in unique and diverse ways.
So if you’ve been working with our materials and fancy immortalising your project as one of our case studies, we’d love to hear from you!
Ideally, we would be looking to collate the following information:
Describe your process when visiting us and significant things that you learned from the records.
Describe how this informed the subsequent exhibition that you produced.
Plans for any related work in future.
Any images of your work that you have and/or images you took while visiting the archives and collections, or from related activities.
Email this information to and we will post it to The Hatchery with your permission and photo credits.
We also plan to create a leaflet from some of these case studies soon too so keep your eyes peeled on GSA’s campus in the new academic year!

The Hatchery can now be found under “Resources” on our website.