It is once again that time of the year when Glasgow throws open its doors and welcomes people into its many unique, historic and beautiful buildings and spaces.
Returning for its 27th year, happily and appropriately during the national Festival of Architecture for the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design, the Doors Open Days Festival 2016 will provide you with the opportunity to explore Glasgow, its architecture, its heritage, and this year, one of its many special archives.

Yes! This year we have teamed up with our home, the Glasgow School of Art and the Glasgow Sculpture Studios based in The Whisky Bond, to offer two unique opportunities for visitors to view a selection of items from the GSA Archives and Collections.

Based in The Whisky Bond, the Glasgow Sculpture Studios are hosting a series of tours giving you the chance to see the renovation of this striking 1957 building, the first-class sculptural facilities of the studio and a wonderful selection of our outstanding collections. Visitors will be taken on a tour around the studios and will stop off to visit us in the new Archive Reading Room. These tours will be on Saturday 17th at 11am, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm and booking is essential. Places are going quickly so if you would like to book a tour please contact The Whisky Bond on 0141 353 3708 or
On Sunday 18th September the GSA Archives and Collections will be present in the Reid Building with a mobile display of some of our archive and collection holdings. Visitors can take a guided tour to see some of our original Mackintosh Furniture and artworks by Margaret Macdonald now housed within the new Reid Building, find out more about the School’s history, and stop by the Archives and Collection stall. Our Curator Peter Trowles, and Recovery Project Lead Polly Christie will be present to answer all your questions about the GSA Archives and Collections and the progress of restoration and recovery after the fire in May 2014. The Archives and Collections stall will be at the entrance of the Reid Building for people to drop-in and visit; if you would like to go on a tour, these are every 30 minutes starting from 10am until 4:30pm. Stop by and have a chat!