The Recovery Project Continues!

It is time for another archive recovery report! At the moment our collections and archives remain in deep storage as we attempt to organise a suitable office where our services can re-open and the recovery of the collection can take place. Despite this, our lovely conservator has ventured in to see our collections in storage and is beginning to survey the extent of the damage to our textiles. By providing an assessment of this collection’s situation, our recovery staff can understand and make informed decisions on how certain items need to be repackaged, how much it will cost and how long this process will take.

DC/068/9/65 - Slyvia Chalmers Textile
DC/068/9/65 – Slyvia Chalmers Textile

Alongside this survey work, we are continuing to establish the equipment and storage our new office will need to properly house our collections. We are planning to move this summer and re-open the archive service fully in September, so watch this space for more information!

The Archives team plans out their new office
The Archives team investigates potential spaces and equipment
The Archives team investigates potential spaces and equipment

Finally there are five new volunteers have recently been inducted into the archive team, and in the coming weeks they will start to work on separate projects relating to the archives and the recovery project. More details about these projects will be released shortly! In the meantime, please watch this space for more news on the recovery, and if you would like more information on the archives and what we hold, visit our online catalogue here.