- NMC/1588
- Item
- c1949-1950
Stiching sampler in blue pink and black wool on heavy fabric.
Stewart, Marion S
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Stiching sampler in blue pink and black wool on heavy fabric.
Stewart, Marion S
1st year stitching sampler (Version 1)
1st year stitching sampler (Version 2)
Double sided fabric panels featuring various embroidery techniques.
Stewart, Marion S
3rd year zig zag sampler (Version 1)
3rd year zig zag sampler (Version 2)
3rd year zig zag sampler (Version 3)
Part of Papers and textiles of Sheena Reid (nee Robertson), student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1950s
Three linked A3 sized embroidery samplers from 3rd year embroidery course at GSA, one with a red background, one yellow, and one grey.
Reid, Sheena
A3 Embroidery samplers (Version 1)
Part of Papers and textiles of Sheena Reid (nee Robertson), student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1950s
A3 Embroidery samplers (Version 2)
Part of Papers and textiles of Sheena Reid (nee Robertson), student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1950s
A3 Embroidery samplers (Version 3)
Part of Papers and textiles of Sheena Reid (nee Robertson), student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1950s
A3 Embroidery samplers (Version 4)
Part of Papers and textiles of Sheena Reid (nee Robertson), student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1950s
Altar Hanging - Psalm 150 (Version 1)
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Wichmann, Joanna
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Publications published by NDS on how to do various embroidered activities.
Contains copies of Bulletins 7B-28B, 29-39. All comprise of 2 copies other than 16B, 26B, and 38, which only contain 1 version.
The Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
A black hardcover book published by NDS on different embroidery stitches and techniques based on the contents of the Needlework Development Scheme embroidery bulletins (see NDS/PUB/5). Contains 144 pages.
The Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Publication published by NDS on how to sew various textile activities.
Contains copies of Bulletins:
The Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Papers of Kath Whyte, Head of Embroidery at Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Gribble, Mary
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Portuguese. Part of peasant costume. Closely woven in red wool on white warp. Geometric design in bright colours in loom embroidery - extra weft pulled up in loops on the surface Yellow braid waistband, and pink braid edges.
*Not available / given
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
British. Scallop-edged cream taffeta apron. Silk and metal threads. Symmetrical floral design incorporating metal thread areas padded with cord. Extensive use of pearl and sequins. Framed.
*Not available / given
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
British. Muslin with border embroidered with floral design in ochre shades in chain stitch in worsted thread. Waistband embroidered.
*Not available / given
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
Rectangular yellow armchair cover. Thought to be by Ann Macbeth. This item was damaged in the fire in GSA's Mackintosh Building on 23rd May 2014. Textile conservation was completed in 2019.
*Not available / given
Cream armchair cover. Thought to be by Ann Macbeth.
*Not available / given
'Assisi Work' fold-out booklet
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Small blue card folder with a handwritten label 'Assisi Work'. It contains a handwritten explanation of the technique and materials, the pattern design for two birds and a tree in pen and ink on graph paper, and the worked textile in blue and white.
Mackie, Mary
'Assisi Work' fold-out booklet (Version 1)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
'Assisi Work' fold-out booklet (Version 2)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Ayrshire Christening Robe (Version 1)
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
*Not available / given
Part of The Grace Melvin Textile Collection, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Melvin, Grace
Part of The Grace Melvin Textile Collection, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Melvin, Grace
Part of The Grace Melvin Textile Collection, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Melvin, Grace
Embroidered bedspread of linen with applique. The technique, lettering and choice of inscription are typical of Jessie Newbery's work. From the wear on the stitching of the inscription it is obvious that the bedspread has been in regular use. The heart shaped applique motifs are unfaded round the edges and there is evidence that the blue silk Inscribed: "God knows and/what he knows/is well and best/ the darkness/hideth not from/him but glows/clear as the/morning or the/evening rose/of east or west".
Embroidered bed cover. White cotton with pink and cream embroidery decorative design with roses.
*Not available / given
Belt with Purse and Pincushion (Version 1)
Part of Records and textiles of the Needlework Development Scheme
*Not available / given
Dull blue/green corded silk embroidered at each end. Thought to be by Ann Macbeth (the use of these particular strong shades of magenta and turquoise are distinctive of Macbeth's work at this time).
*Not available / given
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Black and white patterned ring binder containing 7 samples of canvas work showing different stitches and patterns:
Sample with yellow, gray, brown and green wool
Sample with black, peach, blue and olive green wool
Sample with bright pink, blue and yellow wool
Sample with black, brown, white and light green wool
Sample with black, yellow, white and blue wool
Sample with dark red, blue, dark green and white wool
Sample with dark green, acid yellow, peach and blue wool
Mackie, Mary
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Black ring binder containing 11 samples of canvas work showing different stitches and patterns:
Sample with bright pink, red, brown and blue wool
Sample with pale pink, dark brown and mint green wool
Sample with pink, beige and brown wool
Sample with red, brown and pale green wool
Sample with gray, yellow and brown wool
Sample with yellow, mauve, brown and dark green
Sample with bright green, olive green, brown and gray wool
Sample with pale pink, gray, and very dark green wool
Sample with pink, dark green and yellow wool
Sample with red, green, white and brown wool
Sample with bright pink, pale yellow, white and black wool
Mackie, Mary
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 1)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 1)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 10)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 11)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 12)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie
Binder of canvas work samples (Version 13)
Part of Papers of Mary Mackie