Category: Collection Highlights

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Sculpture of a Faun, by Helen Biggar
Collection Highlights


This plaster sculpture may have been a maquette, intended to cast a final bronze sculpture. The sculptor Helen Biggar studied at GSA from 1925, gaining

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Black background with black and white image of well-dressed woman's face at left hand side of image. White outline of shop front and text reading "Christmas Gifts 1939 McDonald's".
Collection Highlights

McDonald’s Christmas Gifts

This design for a catalogue cover was made for McDonald’s department store in Glasgow, by GSA alumna Garcia Hunter. She studied at GSA in the

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Image of a cotton handkerchief featuring pink and green floral design
Collection Highlights

Printed Cotton Handkerchief

Sylvia Chalmers was a Scottish designer who studied at GSA in the late 1940s. She moved to London in 1951, where she designed fabrics for

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Memorial to Eugene Bourdon by Robert Anning Bell (1863-1933)
Collection Highlights

Memorial to Eugene Bourdon

Robert Anning Bell was Professor of the Design Section at GSA from 1911 to 1918, and then became Visiting Director of Studies to the Design

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Kitchen Store Jar: Flour by Robert Stewart (1924-1995)
Collection Highlights

Kitchen Store Jar: Flour

Robert Stewart studied and taught Printed Textiles at GSA from the late 1940s-1980s. As well as being an inspirational educator, Stewart also created designs for

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Spice Jar: Ginger by Robert Stewart (1924-1995)
Collection Highlights

Spice Jar: Ginger

Robert Stewart studied and taught Printed Textiles at GSA from the late 1940s-1980s. As well as being an inspirational educator, Stewart also created designs for

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Mantel Clock by De Courcy Lewthwaite Dewar (1878-1959)
Collection Highlights

Mantel Clock

De Courcy Lewthwaite Dewar studied and taught at GSA between 1891-1928. During her lifetime, she produced a broad range of three-dimensional objects, including jewellery, clock

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