(004) Typical ground floor plan & section: 1/4" REP 1'0"
- GKC/CO-BE/3/8/1
- Item
- 1959-1980
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
1454 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
(004) Typical ground floor plan & section: 1/4" REP 1'0"
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
(036) Elev plan: north gable wall
(074A) Porch main: plans, sects & elev
168 Renfrew Street (site of GSA extension building)
View of north side of Renfrew Street, depicting tenement block prior to new GSA extension building.
Coia, Jack Antonio
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
(4) West and north elevations: 1/8"
(5) Section A-A, and south elevation: 1/8"
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
(5R) Layout elevations: 1/4"-1'0"
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
(6) Sections B-B, C-C, and D-D: 1/8"
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
Folder containing black & white negatives and contact sheets of photographs by George Oliver. Most are annotated. Various subjects. Includes: Scottish Arts Council Collection, University of Stirling, Murals in Bridgeton, Normam Ackroyd etchings and June Redfern.
Oliver, George
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: Basement, Gallery, and fifth floors
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the second, third and fourth floor plans, all in scale 1:100, in which all the functional spaces have been identified with coded numbers, then addressed their titles, as below:
Basement floor consists of: 1 chapel entrance, 2 chaplaincy entrance, 3 coats, 4 hall / cafeteria, 5 sitting alcove, 6 servery, 7 chair store, and 8 garden. Gallery floor consists of: 9 terrace, and 10 gallery. Fifth floor consists of: 11 television, 12 music, 13 common room, 14 tanks, and 15 roof.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: Cross section
Architectural drawing on tracing paper includes a cross section through the courtyard, in scale 1:100, showing the height of the indoor spaces. It also shows the inner façade of the rear side of the new building, which refers to the modern style of the architectural movement at the time of designing this project. There is an outline plan, scale 1:1000, indicating where this cross section has been taken. This cross section comes with coloured finishing.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: Cross section
Architectural drawing on tracing paper includes a cross section in scale 1:100, showing the building construction system and its main structural elements. There is an outline plan, scale 1:1000, indicating where this cross section has been taken. Cross section shows the differences of the interior design between the traditional building and the modern interior design for the new building, simplicity vs heavy details.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: First floor
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the first floor plan in scale 1:100, in which all the functional spaces have been identified with coded numbers, then addressed their titles, as below:
1 Wellington church, 2 terrace, 3 chaplaincy entrance, 4 foyer / exhibition, 5 lounge, 6 chaplain's bedroom, 7 counselling, 8 entrance gallery, 9 chaplaincy reading, 10 seminary reading, 11 library, 12 manuscript display, librarian, 14 rector, 15 secretary, 16 dining, 17 servery, 18 kitchen, 19 priest's lounge, 20 priest's living / study, and priest's bedroom.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: Ground floor
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the ground floor plan in scale 1:100, in which all the functional spaces have been identified with coded numbers, then addressed their titles, as below:
1 chapel, 2 sacristy, 3 lecture theatre, 4 projection, 5 store, 6 games, 7 chaplains' flat, 8 housekeeper, 9 priest's living/studying, 10 priest's bedroom, 11 guest suite, 12 reception rooms, reception, 14 entrance hall, 15 seminary entrance, 16 craft workshop, 17 boiler room, 18 laundry, 19 infirmary, and 20 courtyard.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: NE elevation to Gibson Street
Architectural drawing on tracing paper includes the north east elevation to Gibson Street, in scale 1:100, showing the the first part of this elevation, which to be attached within the next item from right hand side complete the whole elevation. The design reflects the modern style of the architectural movement at the time of designing this project. This elevation comes with mono-colour (black and white) finishing.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: NE elevation to Gibson Street
Architectural drawing on tracing paper includes the north east elevation to Gibson Street, in scale 1:100, showing the the second part of this elevation, which has to be attached within the previous item from left hand side to complete the whole façade. The design reflects the modern style of the architectural movement at the time of designing this project. This elevation comes with mono-colour (black and white) finishing.
Platt, Christopher
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the second part of both the north west elevation to garden and the long section in scale 1:100, in which this item has to be attached with the previous item from the left hand side to complete the whole elevation and section. It shows the differences between the modern architectural style of the new building comparing with the traditional style of the existing building. The long section shows the main structural elements and the building construction system.
Platt, Christopher
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the first part of both the north west elevation to garden and the long section in scale 1:100, in which this item has to be attached with the next item from the right hand side to complete the whole elevation and section. All the architectural details of the new building showing the modern style compared with the traditional style of the existing building, especially with the design of the windows. The architect chose to present these drawings with coloured finishing. There is an outline plan in scale 1:1000 to identify where the long section has been taken.
Platt, Christopher
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the south east elevation to Oakfield Avenue in scale 1:100, in which the external columns defining the main entrance and supporting the pitch roofing for both sides. All the architectural details for windows sills, column crowns, and other roof stone details are shown as well. This sheet also includes the long section in scale 1:100. Both drawings are to be completed with the next item. There is an outline plan in scale 1:1000 to identify where the long section has been taken.
Platt, Christopher
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the second part of both the south east elevation to Oakfield Avenue and the long section in scale 1:100, in which this item has to be attached with the previous item from the left hand side to complete the whole elevation and section. All architectural details of the new building showing the modern style are compared with the traditional style of the existing building, especially with the design of the windows. The long section presents the main structural elements and the building construction system used for the new building. The architect created this façade with coloured finishing.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: Second, third, and fourth floors
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the second, third and fourth floor plans, all in scale 1:100, in which all the functional spaces have been identified with coded numbers, then addressed their titles, as below:
1 student's bedroom, 2 bathroom, 3 terrace, and 4 pergola.
Platt, Christopher
Architectural drawing on tracing paper showing the site plan in scale 1:500, situated at Glasgow University campus surrounded by University Avenue, Oakfield Avenue, Gibson Street, and Southpark Avenue. The site plan is presented with the north sign, the main building, the surrounding blocks and the landscape. The architect created these drawings with coloured presentation. The sheet also includes the elevation to University Avenue showing the whole design of the project with the new one and the other existing building within the site.
Platt, Christopher
A Roman catholic seminary & chaplaincy for Glasgow University: SW elevation to University Avenue
Architectural drawing on tracing paper includes the south west elevation in scale 1:100, showing the differences of the exterior design between the traditional building and the modern style of the new building. It shows the main entrance of the Wellington church, with six palladio columns. On the other side, the square windows show the simplicity of the new style representing the modern architectural movement at the time of designing this project. This elevation comes with coloured finishing.
Platt, Christopher
(A11B) Administration block/ complete elevations: 1/8"=1'0"
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
Tracing paper contains three activities resources:
Working: drawing, writing, reading, sketching
Relaxing: reading, watching TV, listening to radio, entertaining
Living: sleeping, washing, etc.
Platt, Christopher
Folder containing contact sheets and negatives of photographs taken by George Oliver. Most are annotated. Includes: D O Hill/Adamsonn exhibition, a copy of a photograph taken by Annan in 1914 of a Glasgow street scene, and copies of Annan portraits.
Oliver, George
Adaptation of premises to warehouse, Barrowfield Street, Glasgow
Correspondence relating to project.
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
Adelaide Place (off Bath Street), Glasgow
Study of unfinished building.
Kerr, Robert
After The Fire, Winter Gardens, Glasgow Green
Part of 'At Work'.
Trotter, Robert
Alan Dimmick photographs of Scottish art scene
Please note that this material is not yet fully catalogued and therefore some items may not be accessible to researchers.
5 archive photo binders featuring images of the Scottish art scene (exhibitions, openings, parties, studios) between c1997-2012 (4 x binders of 35mm black and white negatives, and 1 x binder of black and white prints).
Dimmick, Alan
Documents and objects related to Alfredo Avella's teaching career at GSA and work as an artist. Includes sketches and finished artworks, correspondence, photographs, two- and three-dimensional designs, printed ephemera, etc.
Avella, Alfredo
Alterations to Factory Premises at Jocelyn Square, Glasgow, for Gratispool Co Ltd
Correspondence, notes, application for building license, report and valuation of the site.
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia
Alterations to house at 15 Lenzie Road, Stepps for M McLernan
Correspondence relating to the project.
Gillespie, Kidd and Coia