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Key Information
Reference code
- c1941-2017 (Creation)
Level of description
5 Linear Feet
Content and Structure
Scope and content
- Administrative paperwork, minute book
- Student activities (handbooks, Activities Week schedules, posters)
- Newsletters, SRC guidelines and flyers
- Publications
- Banners
Please note that this material is not yet fully catalogued and therefore some items may not be accessible to researchers.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.
System of arrangement
Divided into groupings as described in scope and contents, with further series levels within each group. Material is listed chronologically within each series.
Previously catalogued documents relating to the SRC have been accumulated into this arrangement. Former reference numbers are noted where applicable.
General Information
Name of creator
Administrative history
A student common room was established at The Glasgow School of Art in the new Mackintosh building in 1909. On the completion of the Assembly Hall on the other side of Renfrew Street in 1928, the students' common room was moved across the road. This building housed the School refectory, and student bodies such as the Glasgow School of Art Students' Representative Council, which was to organise lectures, debates and entertainments. The building also had stage facilities which were used by the Drama Club. In the late 1930s a constitution was drawn up by the School Council for the establishment of a Students' Representative Council. The SRC was to be a means of communication between the student body and the School authorities, and was to represent the students and to promote social and cultural intercourse among students. The constitution was accepted in 1941 and the SRC has been ongoing since that date. The Assembly Building is still home to the SRC, and was refurbished in 2014 as part of the new Seona Reid Building by Steven Holl Architects. The SRC is now responsible for the running of the Union (The Art School), which comprises the Vic Bar and the upstairs venue, and events such as freshers week and the annual fashion show.
Name of creator
Administrative history
The student representative system is run in partnership with the GSA Learning and Teaching Team and the GSA Students’ Association (GSASA). The GSASA is an independent body that represents student interests, runs events and opportunities, and provides advice and advocacy. GSASA is committed to widening access to education and the arts, and is committed to offering opportunities for the personal and professional development of its student members during their time at GSA.
The GSASA is a registered Scottish charity and is overseen by a Board of Trustees. Each year, it receives a block grant from the GSA that goes into supporting student societies, exhibitions, projects, student-run events and the activities of the Student Representative Council (SRC).
The SRC is the independent representative body of students at the GSA - they can run campaigns and support student initiatives in GSASA and GSA. The SRC is elected through the class rep systems and at meetings of members such as the Annual General Meeting. The SRC is made up of a Campaigns Committee, Funding Committee and Societies Committee. These committees are chaired by the Student President and Vice President and supported by the wider team at the Students’ Association.
The Student President works with GSA and the Students’ Association for the benefit of students across the School. They influence learning and teaching strategy and student welfare matters, develop the class and lead rep programmes and campaign for issues that matter to students.
The Vice President responds to emerging needs and issues raised by the student body through the programming of social, learning and professional practice events and projects. They work with students to develop student-led extra-curricular initiatives, lead on Degree Show celebrations, and help support and develop student societies.
The Academic Engagement Coordinator supports student voice activities, such as the election and training of student representatives, and helps students to be partners in the quality of their learning experience. They are there for students to speak to about becoming a rep, running for a sabbatical officer position, or volunteering for the Students' Representative Council. They are also the main contact for students needing to make appeals, complaints, or who are facing disciplinary procedures.
The Community & Societies Engagement Coordinator focuses on supporting and developing student societies, groups and sports. Students should speak to them about setting up a society, society funding, boosting engagement with your society and exploring its structure, sports teams and activities, or events that work with the local community or develop student community.
The Digital & Communications Coordinator supports students and their representative groups to manage online spaces and communications at the GSASA. They can assist students in anything relating to the Association’s digital platforms including its newsletter, social media channels, website and Canvas pages.
The Chief Executive supports the governance of the GSASA, working collaboratively with its Board of Trustees and elected student Sabbatical Officers in operating Glasgow School of Art Student’s Association as an effective charitable organisation promoting the welfare and interests of all students of GSA. They provide management and support for the Association’s staff and facilitate use of the GSASA building in both commercial and student engagement activities.
Archival history
Custodial history
Deposited by Students' Representative Council.
Physical Description and Conditions of Use
Conditions governing access
Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections are open for research by appointment. For further details, please refer to our Access Policy @
Conditions governing reproduction
Application for permission to reproduce should be submitted to The Archives and Collections at The Glasgow School of Art.
Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of material.
For further details, please refer to our Reprographic Service Guide @
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical Description
There are no physical characteristics that affect the use of this material.
Finding aids
Related Material
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
No known copies.
Related materials
Notes area
Alternative identifier(s)
Place access points
People and Organisations
- The Glasgow School of Art (Subject)
Genre access points
Level of detail
Processing information
- Fonds level description compiled by Adele Ashley-Smith, Archivist, 2000-2001
- Updated by David Powell, Hub Project Archivist, 6 September 2001
- Updated by David Powell, Hub Project Archivist, 14 May 2002
- Fonds level description imported from The Archives Hub 24 August 2006
- Updated by Kimberly Sommerville, GSA Archives Assistant, 11 November 2009
- Updated by Rachel Bell, GSA Volunteer, 21 May 2010
- Archives Hub description updated by Carrie Skinner, Logjam Project Officer, September 2011
- Additions catalogued by Ben Ellis, SCONUL Graduate Trainee Librarian, 2015
- Catalogue imported into Archon software and edited by Michelle Kaye, Archon Project Officer, May 2014.
- Catalogue exported from Archon and imported into AtoM during system migration, 2018-2019.
- English
Archivist's note
Finding Aid Authors: The Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections.
Archivist's note
© Copyright 2014 GSA Archives. All rights reserved.
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