Taffner, Eleanor Bolta

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Taffner, Eleanor Bolta

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Eleanor Bolta Taffner and her husband Donald Taffner (1930-2011) co-founded D L Taffner in the early 1970s as a TV programme distribution company. Later re-named DLT Entertainment, the company expanded into TV and stage production, specialising in taking UK TV formats and repackaging them as hits for the USA.

Enthusiastic art collectors, their interest in the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh was encouraged by Professor Tony Jones, then Director of the GSA, and they built a significant collection of works by Mackintosh and his circle. The Taffners also became major supporters of the Art School. In 1986, they created and funded the post of Taffner Mackintosh Curator at the GSA, and ten years later, supported Glasgow Museums’ Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition tour of USA Art Museums.

In 2003, Eleanor was appointed Honorary Vice President of the Glasgow School of Art in recognition of her continued support to the school. Eleanor and Donald were presented with a Wallace award at the 'Icons of Scotland Dinner' hosted by Scotland Magazine in 2005, and were the first individuals with no hereditary connection to Scotland to ever receive the award. Eleanor Taffner received an honorary MBE in 2005


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  • GSA Records
  • The Herald obituary, 1 November 2010
  • www.lyonandturnbull.com

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