Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Key Information

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

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Dates of existence



Haswell Miller was a painter and curator, born in Glasgow, where he studied at The Glasgow School of Art under Maurice Greiffenhagen and Jean Delville, 1906-9, then for a year in Munich. He was married to the artist Josephine Miller. Miller taught at The Glasgow School of Art for 20 years from 1910, apart from during World War I, then was keeper and deputy director of the National Galleries of Scotland, 1930-52. He also held positions with the Royal Fine Arts Commission, National Buildings Record and Scottish Council. He also wrote, especially on military uniforms. He sometimes signed his work H M, and exhibited at RSW, of which he was a member, and RSA, also RA and Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts. Imperial War Museums and Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries hold his work. He lived for many years in Edinburgh but latterly in Gillingham, Dorset. A E Haswell Miller appears on The Glasgow School of Art's First World War Roll of Honour, where he is commemorated as a captain of the Highland Light Infantry. He was decorated with a military cross. If you have any more information, please get in touch.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Miller, Josephine Haswell (1890-1975)

Identifier of the related entity


Category of the relationship


Type of relationship

Miller, Josephine Haswell

is the spouse of

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Dates of the relationship

Description of relationship

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Buckman, David, Artists in Britain Since 1945

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