- DC 091/1/2/22
- Item
- 1958
2 drawings depicting 11th-century dress. One female figure, one male.
Cameron, Dugald
13 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
2 drawings depicting 11th-century dress. One female figure, one male.
Cameron, Dugald
2 drawings depicting 12th-century dress. One female figure, one male.
Cameron, Dugald
3 drawings depicting 14th-century clothing. 2 male figures, one female.
Cameron, Dugald
Typed note of instructions for the second year design test set by Mr Fleming and Miss Roberts. Session 1958-59. To design a brochure/cover advertising a BBC TV series.
Cameron, Dugald
Additional coursework from post diploma year
Folder containing additional work created during post diploma year, mainly designs for a theatre operating table.
Cameron, Dugald
Pencil drawing of a tree branch with leaves and buds.
Cameron, Dugald
Burner unit drawing and details
Technical drawing of a burner unit featuring text, depicting and describing each section of the product.
Cameron, Dugald
Hand-written answers for questions as part of class test during junior non-diploma year at GSA. A drawing in colour pencil of a man and shoes/feet are featured on the back of the page.
Cameron, Dugald
Folder containing work produced by Dugald Cameron during his time on the Industrial Design diploma course at GSA.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing/design for a curling stick, from 3 view points.
Cameron, Dugald
Design drawings for projection system
Sketches, drawings and notes for the design of a projection system. Notes at the top left corner include measurements for the mechanics of the projector such as the lens. Sketches also appear on the back of the page.
Cameron, Dugald
Design drawings for projection system
Drawings and sketches for the design of a projection system. Some notes feature in the top left corner of the page and sketches of an aircraft are across the top of the page.
Cameron, Dugald
Design drawings for projection system
Sketches, drawings and notes for the design of a projection system. Notes around the drawing feature a number of calculations and measurements. Sketches also appear on the back of the page.
Cameron, Dugald
Linear drawing and sketches; designs for a drill, possibly named "Progress". Calculations and measurements feature alongside.
Cameron, Dugald
Linear drawings and sketches; designs for a drill, possibly named "Progress". Sketches also feature on the back.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing/visualisation of "Progress" drill design. White pencil on black paper. Perspective view and view from left side.
Cameron, Dugald
Design for 'Model 100' aircraft
3 drawings of "Model 100" aircraft. Bird's eye view, front facing and left side view. Complete with list of specifications of Model 100.
Cameron, Dugald
Painting/visualisation for the design of a standing light. Full colour in white and turquoise.
Cameron, Dugald
Design for street furniture, diploma test piece
Visualisation of street furniture design, "keep left" bollard and street lighting. The designs are hand painted on a print/photograph of a street to contextualise their purpose. A small label at the bottom states "Diploma Test".
Cameron, Dugald
Painting/visualisation of a design for an unknown object, in grey scale on a grey background.
Cameron, Dugald
Visualisation of street furniture design, "keep left" bollard.
Cameron, Dugald
File containing technical drawings for the design of an ultrasonic automatic scanner.
Cameron, Dugald
File containing initial drawings and sketches with technical drawings and further ideas for the design of bed table scanner.
Cameron, Dugald
File containing 4 drawings for the design of an ultrasonic unit, also known as the diasonic machine.
Cameron, Dugald
Designs created for Hugh Smith & Co., during a work placement in the summer of 1961. Printed graphic designs for Hugh Smith & Co., 6 designs on 1 page, all back and white. An individual design, pencil on a small separate sheet, also features alongside this piece, possibly for a business card.
Cameron, Dugald
Designs for Hugh Smith & Co.: Machine Tools
Designs created for Hugh Smith & Co., during a work placement in the summer of 1961. Printed copy of hand painted logo designs for Hugh Smith & Co., machine tools. Two designs feature lettering and an image in black white and grey. A sketch of an aircraft is also on the back of the piece.
Cameron, Dugald
Designs for Hugh Smith & Co.: Monorail System
Designs created for Hugh Smith & Co., during a work placement in the summer of 1961. Printed designs and visualisations of monorail system in black and white. 3 images mounted to black paper. Prints of 1 line drawing and 2 possible airbrush drawings.
Cameron, Dugald
Designs for Hugh Smith & Co.: Shellbender
Designs created for Hugh Smith & Co., during a work placement in the summer of 1961. Technical drawing of 1200 Tons Shellbender. Notes and sketches feature on the back.
Cameron, Dugald
Folder containing designs for a slide projector.
Cameron, Dugald
Detailed drawing of slide projector base
Line drawing of slide projector. Annotated with calculations and measurements. A small sketch of an aircraft also features on the page, in blue ink and pencil.
Cameron, Dugald
Folder containing work produced by Dugald Cameron during his time on the Industrial Design diploma course at GSA.
Cameron, Dugald
Diploma Exam, Emergency Telephone. Statement
Typed statement as part of Diploma exam, April 1961.
Cameron, Dugald
Line and tone pencil drawing of a female cast. Created for a class test.
Cameron, Dugald
Line and tone pencil drawing of a male cast.
Cameron, Dugald
Line drawing of an aircraft in flight, left side view. Some notes at the bottom right of the page.
Cameron, Dugald
Dyeline print of a line drawing of the interiors of an aircraft. Some sketches and notes are around the drawing.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of aircraft, Grumman Gulfstream interiors
Colour airbrush drawing on board, of an aircraft. Also features hand painted detailing of the interiors. This is one half of a large drawing. (DC 091/3/4/42 completes)
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of aircraft, Grumman Gulfstream interiors
Colour airbrush drawing on board, of an aircraft. Also features hand painted detailing of the interiors. This is one half of a large drawing. (DC 091/3/4/41 completes)
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of aircraft, U.S. Air Force C133A
Pencil drawing of an aircraft, side view. With buildings in the background and figures, for scale.
Cameron, Dugald
Pencil drawing of a bird. Small sketches of feet and wings at the bottom of drawing.
Cameron, Dugald
Pencil line drawing of a bookcase.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of Cavalier about 1619
Portrait style drawing depicting a Cavalier in black and white uniform, wearing a ruff and large black hat.
Cameron, Dugald
Airbrush drawing of diasonic machine. Created to visualise possible developments of the design. Wall mount option.
Cameron, Dugald
Airbrush drawing of diasonic machine. Created to visualise possible developments of the design, single unit option.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of aircraft from left side view. Some sections of the drawing show the inside of the aircraft, similar to a cutaway drawing. Highly detailed linework.
Cameron, Dugald
Drawing of female, side profile
Pencil tonal drawing of a female, side profile. Also features a small sketch of an aircraft at the bottom.
Cameron, Dugald
Line and tone pencil, observational drawing of trees situated in Kelvingrove Park.
Cameron, Dugald
Line and tone pencil, observational drawing of trees situated in Kelvingrove Park.
Cameron, Dugald
Colour pencil drawing of aircraft, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines PH-LLA. Left side view.
Cameron, Dugald
Colour airbrush drawing/visualisation of an operating table.
Cameron, Dugald