- NMC/0358S
- Item
- 1905
Sketch of decorative doorway.
Revel, John D
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Sketch of decorative doorway.
Revel, John D
Clifford's Inn, London - oak panelling detail
Mitering and pilaster.
Revel, John D
Clifford's Inn, London - carved oak door
Study of 17th century carved oak door.
Revel, John D
South transept doorway.
Revel, John D
Drawn to 1/8 full scale.
Revel, John D
Clifford's Inn, London - oak panelling
Section of oak panelling at Clifford's Inn.
Revel, John D
Design for a fountain for a square park
Study in early Renaissance/Italian style.
Revel, John D
Detail of pulpit.
Revel, John D
Front/side elevation.
Revel, John D
Plan, elevations and section.
Revel, John D
Detail of front elevation.
Revel, John D
Lincoln College (Lincoln's Inn Fields)
Decorative portico at Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Revel, John D
Details of columns and arches.
Revel, John D
Decorated with carving and marquetry.
Revel, John D
Study of colonnade.
Revel, John D
Capital and base from order of the Mausoleum Halicarnassus.
Revel, John D
Interior decoration of town hall
Section through one bay of gallery.
Revel, John D
Design for an open market and town hall
Plans, elevations and sections.
Revel, John D
North elevation and various sections.
Revel, John D
Plan, east/south elevations.
Revel, John D
Arcade and chancel vaulting.
Revel, John D
Clifford's Inn, London - oak panelling
English wooden panelling from 1600.
Revel, John D
Architecture mould from Beverley, Yorkshire
Cap and base section of architectural mould.
Revel, John D
Nave arcade/north aisle.
Revel, John D
One bay of choir stalls.
Revel, John D
Oak door decorated with two rows of Gothic Arcading.
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Gallery of Henry II: Palace of Fontainebleau
Decorative window bays.
Revel, John D
Examples of decorative woodwork - Valencia and Valladolid.
Revel, John D
Palazzo Piccolomini, Pienza/Santa Maria della Pace, Rome
Comparative elevations of both buildings. Drawing of Palazzo Piccolomini wrongly attributed (by artist) to Pisa.
Revel, John D
Bromley by Bow, London - wood panelling
Study of wood panelling.
Revel, John D
Church of St Akeveranus, St Keverne, Cornwall
Detail of stone arch. Drawing states: St Kevern (sic), Cornwall.
Revel, John D
Decorative doorway.
Revel, John D
Portion of choir stall from Halberstadt.
Revel, John D
Measured drawing of cornice/column.
Revel, John D
Decoarative door - French style.
Revel, John D
End of a bedstead of carved oak. English 16th century.
Revel, John D
Church of St Akeveranus, St Keverne, Cornwall
West elevation/cross section.
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Revel, John D
Trinity Alms Houses, Deptford/ Steeple Ashton Manor, Wiltshire
Comparative elevations of both buildings.
Revel, John D