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Paintings (visual works)
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Alfredo Avella Collection

  • DC 102
  • Collection
  • Late 20th century-early 21st century

Documents and objects related to Alfredo Avella's teaching career at GSA and work as an artist. Includes sketches and finished artworks, correspondence, photographs, two- and three-dimensional designs, printed ephemera, etc.

Avella, Alfredo

Print of Scottish Field cover, August 1964

Print of the front cover of Scottish Field, August 1964, featuring a painting by Alfredo Avella. Painting, signed "Avella" in the bottom right corner, depicts a violinist on a cool-toned abstract background, with the words "Edinburgh Festival 1964" painted around the figure. There is a wide margin around the cover.

Avella, Alfredo

Construction notes

A series of notes separated by lines. Notes read: "Joints 18'' centre approx. 10' 9 1/2'' from", "Templates for back of fires", "Joints direction, Grate if possible, -", "underneath flat (possible bearing wall) " "side wall bearing wall, [illegible] later in plaster". Originally found with designs and artworks but unclear which design it may refer to.

Avella, Alfredo

Print of Scottish Field cover, May 1964

Outside cover of the May 1964 edition of Scottish Field, featuring an unsigned painting of a harbour town on the front and an advertisement for Long John Scotch Whisky on the back. Both inside covers feature advertisements printed in red and black.

*Not available / given

Material relating to Gerard V Murphy, former GSA student

  • DC 084
  • Collection
  • c1929-1943

A variety of drawings and graphic designs created by Gerard V. Murphy, a former student at The Glasgow School of Art in the 1930s. The diverse subjects of his drawings include animals, plants, architecture, human anatomy and figures. A subfonds titled 'Teaching examples' features his teaching materials as an art teacher at schools, intended for printmaking techniques and pattern design education.

Most items have been marked with his name or student registration numbers, assuming they were created during his time as a student at GSA. The dominant materials in his works are pencil and watercolour, worked on cartridge paper.

Some of this material was damaged in the fire in GSA's Mackintosh Building on 23rd May 2014. Paper conservation was completed in 2019.

Murphy, Gerard V

Papers and artworks related to Colin Wilson, student at The Glasgow School of Art, 1970s

  • DC 123
  • Collection
  • 20th century

Collection includes: Artworks by Colin Wilson including drawings, paintings, prints and graphic design works; artworks by various artists collected by Colin Wilson including prints by Alasdair Gray, Elspeth Lamb and Alan Cox; associated papers and ephemera including notebooks from Wilson's studies at school and at The Glasgow School of Art, exhibition posters and Wilson's Curriculum Vitae; and material related to Peter Blake including magazine articles, correspondence and photographs.

Wilson, Colin

Papers of James Cosgrove

  • DC 111
  • Collection
  • 1968-2020

Collection includes artworks and sketchbooks made by Jimmy Cosgrove as a student at the Glasgow School of Art; while working as a Tutor and the Director of the Glasgow School of Art; and afterwards, including work relating to the House for an Art Lover, and documenting travels across Europe, North America, and Mexico.

Cosgrove, James


A variety of paintings and artworks completed by Archibald Haswell Miller and Josephine Haswell Miller, including urban landscapes, portraits, and military scenes. Some of these items are dated to their time as teaching staff at The Glasgow School of Art.

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Photograph of the Eildon Hills view painting

A monochrome photograph of a watercolour painting depicting the landscape of the Eildon Hills in Melrose, viewed from Dryburgh, Scotland. Signed "W. Meldrum" on the backing paper, with the annotation "The Eildon Hills. From Dryburgh" on the reverse, but not dated. Presumed to be part of the same series as the identical photograph (DC 120/2/14).

Meldrum, William

Photograph of a painting featuring a boat on the river Tweed

A monochrome photograph of a watercolour landscape painting depicting two people near the river Tweed in Melrose, Scotland. One person is standing towards the river, while another is on a floating boat in the painting. Signed "W. Meldrum," but not dated. Includes the annotation "The Tweed near Melrose" on the reverse of backing paper.

Meldrum, William

Papers and photographs of William Meldrum, artist, student at The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland

  • DC 120
  • Collection
  • c1880s-1970s

A number of sketches and photographs of works by William Meldrum. This collection includes figure and illustrative drawings, unique pieces made of seaweed, and a series of monochrome photographs featuring landscape paintings. Most of the items are undated however the dates of creation are presumed to fall between the 1880s and 1920s. A set of typewritten paper by an unknown author dated after 1966, features a brief biography of Meldrum and descriptions of two drawings along with their custodial histories.

William Meldrum tended to work on depicting city views of Glasgow in the early 20th century and landscapes of diverse areas in Scotland. He created multiple pieces of black-and-white photographs on which his paintings have been printed; some of the photographs have identical versions.

Meldrum, William

Pattern designs

15 painted pattern designs featuring floral, organic, and geometric motifs, including one book cover design for 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift. Most of these designs are likely intended for use in wallpaper, textiles, or graphics, and attached to black backing paper. Some include annotations of student registration no. ("No. 71") and signed "Gerard Murphy."

Murphy, Gerard V

Plant study drawings

A series of watercolour drawings featuring plant subjects (namely Anemone, Holly, Lilly, and Violet flowers) and a folder for storing the paintings. Half of the items have been signed "G. Murphy, No. 71", and one drawing has been annotated.

Murphy, Gerard V

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