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Notes on reverse of the minutes of a meeting of the General Purposes Committee, Glasgow School of Art

Handwritten notes in pencil and ink on the reverse of the typed minutes of a meeting of the General Purposes Committee, Glasgow School of Art, dated 15 Nov 1978. The bottom of the page has been torn off from below the second line of the list of Attending. The notes in Avella's handwriting are related to materials and include an order number. A note in different handwriting reads "Alf, Phone Mr McFarlane" and lists a phone number.

Avella, Alfredo

Information for art students

Envelope containing directories of Community Artists and Contact People, information about training for medical illustration and a large stapled document titled "Some Helpful Information for Art Students Concerning Jobs, Grants, Publications Etc." dated October 1979. Envelope was originally addressed "Professor A Jones, Director" but this has been crossed out and replaced with "Mr Avella". Annotation on the envelope reads "GSA, Bursary, Jobs".

Parry, Jacki

Documents related to Avella's teaching position

Folder containing:
Correspondence related to Avella's teaching position at the Glasgow School of Art
Two letters of reference on behalf of Avella - one signed Walter Pritchard D.A. dated 17th May 1965 and one signed David H. Donaldson dated 26th May 1965
The minutes of a meeting of the Glasgow School of Art School and Staff Committee on the 16th December 1974 during which Avella's salary grading was discussed
A document relating to the structure of the Glasgow School of Art's First Year Course (Session 1974/75)
A copy of the Glasgow School of Art's Standard Conditions of Service for Full-Time Members of Teaching Staff (Dated May 1973).

Original folder labelled "Alfredo Avella, GSA, contract, 2 letters of reference".

The Glasgow School of Art

Sydney d'Horne Shepherd's obituary

Obituary for Sydney d'Horne Shepherd. Describes where and when he was born, his two wives and daughter. Describes his education at the Harris Academy and The Glasgow School of Art, his achievements such as winning a travelling scholarship and his solo exhibition in Dundee. Also describes his art style, preferences prevalent in his work and his career as a lecturer at various schools.

Not available / given

Associated papers

Three stapled sheets of typewritten paper include William Meldrum's brief biography and descriptions of two specific works. It also includes the custodial histories of the paintings: they were presented to the Glasgow Corporation in April 1966, after Meldrum's death. The final sheet illustrates a simple drawing of Glasgow street map, indicating where Meldrum may have depicted the view of Glasgow in the 1900s.

The description specifically details two undated watercolour landscape paintings titled "Cumbernauld Road at Riddrie, Glasgow." These paintings depict the same location, each viewed in the summer and winter.

The two associated paintings are currently in storage at Glasgow Museums Resources Centre.

*Not available / given

Invoice from MacGregor & Moir Ltd, 20 Oct 1980

Invoice from MacGregor & Moir Ltd, dated 20 Oct 1980. The left half of the page is faded but the invoice address appears to be the Glasgow School of Art and Alfredo Avella's signature is visible on a stamp in the lower left part of the page.

*Not available / given

Notes on reverse of stock list from Queensborough Motors

Notes written in blue coloured pencil by Alfredo Avella on the reverse of a torn-off section of a stock list from Queensborough Motors, Glasgow. At the top of the page is a gridded rectangle, annotated "Bright Blue grid, Paint ground - make grid with Letraset + Paint over with Deep Dark Blue". Two wavy lines separate this section of the page from a lower section containing notes that read 'three-way painting three colours. - change also [dwinni?] lime" and "colours ? lime colour". At the bottom of the page are three rectangles divided into numbered sections vertically, with the numbers 1-3 arranged differently in each. The stock list from Queensborough Motors is dated March 1974 and features both a modern Glasgow postcode, G12, and the number of a Glasgow postal district, W2, which predates the introduction of the national postcode system.

Avella, Alfredo

Archibald Haswell Miller's 1906 diary

1906 diary belonging to Archibald Haswell Miller. The diary was made by North British Mercantile Insurance Company, whose name is embossed in gold on the front, alongside the year, 1906. The diary has entries pertaining to Miller's appointments, a list of addresses and a list of theatre shows that year. On the first page Miller's address is listed as Mansfield Lodge, Minard Avenue, Partickhill.

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Archibald Haswell Miller's 1920 diary

1920 diary belonging to Archibald Haswell Miller. The diary was made by John Walker and Co. The diary has entries pertaining to Miller's appointments, some other notes of information and a few small sketches. Tucked into the back page of the diary is information about the company who produced the diary. On the first page Miller's address is listed as 24 Berkeley Terrace, Glasgow.

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Archibald Haswell Miller's 1925 diary

1925 diary belonging to Archibald Haswell Miller. The diary was made by John Walker and Co. The diary has entries pertaining to Miller's appointments, some other notes of information and a few small sketches. On the first page Miller's address is listed as 224 W. Regent Street, Glasgow. Tucked into the back page of the diary is information about the company who produced the diary.

Miller, Archibald E Haswell

Property Records

Records relating to the properties and premises of the Glasgow School of Art. The majority of these records relate to the construction of the Mackintosh Building: the premises of the Glasgow School of Art on Renfrew Street. The erection of the Mackintosh building is well documented, and the records cover all aspects of the creation of the building from early financial records from 1883 to receipts for fittings in 1912. The records of the Mackintosh Building are divided into ten sub-series (GOV/5/1-GOV/5/9): GOV/5/1: Building Committee Papers, 1896-1910 GOV/5/2: Financial Records, 1883-1912 GOV/5/3: Subscriptions and the Building Fund, 1894-1910 GOV/5/4: The Architectural Competition, 1896-1897 GOV/5/5: Contracts, Agreements and Tenders, 1897-1907 GOV/5/6: Estimates and Specifications, 1897-1912 GOV/5/7: Receipts, 1897-1912 GOV/5/8: Plans and Outsize Material, c1909-1918 GOV/5/9: Miscellaneous, 1897-1914 GOV/5/10: The property records also include those relating to the Glasgow School of Art Extension Scheme between 1926-1934 and these can be found at GOV/5/10. GOV/5/11: The earliest property records for the Glasgow School of Art are those relating to the Ingram Street property, dating from 1845-1869, and can be found at GOV/5/11 as a later addition to the finding aid. GOV/5/12: Copies of Dispositions, 2003

Mackintosh, Charles Rennie

Subscriptions and the Building Fund

Letters relating to acquisition of site 1894-1896, records relating to fundraising 1899-1910. GOV/5/3/1: Correspondence with the Bellahouston Bequest Fund re: the site on Renfrew Street and funding, Oct 1894-Jun 1896 GOV/5/3/2: List of subscriptions to the Building Fund, not dated GOV/5/3/3: Letters from subscribers, incl. Bellahouston Fund, SED & J. Keppie, 1901 GOV/5/3/4: Subscriptions received to Building Fund Bundle of letters, nos. 1-45, 1906-1907 GOV/5/3/5: as above., nos. 46-68, 1906-1907 GOV/5/3/6: as above., nos. 69-94, 1906-1907 GOV/5/3/7: Building Fund Bank receipts [bundle] 1899, 1907-1910 GOV/5/3/8: List of subscriptions for the first portion of the building [2 copies], not dated GOV/5/3/9: List of subscriptions for the completion of the building [2 copies], Jun 1907 GOV/5/3/10: Letters refusing subscription [5 items], Jan-Apr 1907 GOV/5/3/11: Notebook - School Extension Fund - lists of subscriptions received and list of deposit receipts, 1906-1910 GOV/5/3/12: Receipts of Deposit and Notices of Loans for money placed in the Glasgow Corporation Loans Fund [14 items], 1907-1909 GOV/5/3/13: Fund-raising Pamphlet for the completion of the School building [4 copies], not dated [c1907] GOV/5/3/14: Miscellaneous papers re: fund-raising [3 items], not dated

*Not available / given

The Architectural Competition


  • Conditions of competition, 1896
  • plan of proposed new school, 1896
  • list of architects, 1896
  • correspondence with architects, 1896
  • report relating to the design produced by the architects, Honeyman and Keppie, whose author is probably Charles Rennie Mackintosh and related correspondence, 1896
  • measurer's report, 1897
  • GOV/5/4/1: Conditions of the Competition of Architects for the Proposed new School of Art [3 copies, inc. Sec.'s], Jun 1896
  • GOV/5/4/2: Plan and sections of site for proposed new school [4 copies, inc. Sec.'s and Headmaster's], Jun 1896
  • GOV/5/4/3: Proposed list of architects, not dated
  • GOV/5/4/4: Letter from Campbell, Douglas and Morrison Architects re: cannot take part in competition, 23 Jul 1896
  • GOV/5/4/5: Petition from architects re: the Competition [plus copy], 24 Jul 1896
  • GOV/5/4/6: Reply by Governors to architects, 12 Aug 1896
  • GOV/5/4/7: Letter from architects asking for modification to conditions, 17 Aug 1896
  • GOV/5/4/8: Letter from Mr I. L. Watson, Architect, re: the conditions,  20 Aug 1896
  • GOV/5/4/9: Letter to architects amending conditions, 27 Aug 1896
  • GOV/5/4/10: Architect's Design for Glasgow School of Art, with a description and schedule of its contents, [On cover, an ink drawing of 3 wishbones on tracing paper, by Charles Rennie Mackintosh], 1896
  • GOV/5/4/11: Letter to Directors from James King and Renny Watson choosing the design marked by the "crossed bones", 7 Dec 1896
  • GOV/5/4/12: Letter from Colonel Festing, D.S.A re: his choice of design, 17 Dec 1896
  • GOV/5/4/13: Measurer's report by Robert Scott as to estimated cost of the chosen design, 11 Jan 1897

Mackintosh, Charles Rennie

Estimates and Specifications

Estimates for works, specifications of works, tenders, reports on tenders, related correspondence, 1897-1912. GOV/5/6/1: Estimate No.1 for mason work, by Robert Scott & Son (no. 3419), 1897 GOV/5/6/2: Estimate - proposed extensions & alterations by Robert Scott & Son - Masonry, etc. works, 1907 GOV/5/6/3: Estimate - extensions & alterations by Robert Scott & Son - Heating & Ventilation apparatus (no. 5216), 1908 GOV/5/6/4: Estimate No. 1 - mason work - accepted by J. Kirkwood (no. 3419) [Cref. 5/7/121], 1897 GOV/5/6/5: Report on tenders for the several works, 17 Sep 1897 GOV/5/6/6: Copy letter from Robert Scott to Honeyman & Keppie re: cost of excavations, 22 Sep 1906 GOV/5/6/7 File - Tradesmen's Estimates [c122 items] , 1896-1904 GOV/5/6/8: Letter from Keppie with two estimates re: blinds for windows [3 items], 31 Aug 1899 GOV/5/6/9: Estimate by G. Smith, Slater & Plasterer re: holes under the eaves,  6 Sep 1906 GOV/5/6/10: List of offers for alteration & extensions of GSA (for mason & carpenter work only), not dated GOV/5/6/11: Report on tenders for alterations and extensions, 1907 GOV/5/6/12: Memo on lowest tenders showing provisional sums allowed and extra costs of Arbroath stone over concrete for steps and supplementary offers and fees [2 copies], 1907 GOV/5/6/13: Specifications and schedules for electric power and lighting: (a) Summary of offers for electric lighting, with letter from James E. Sayers & Caldwell, 13 Jun 1908 (b) Letter from architects enclosing estimates, 15 Jun 1908 (c) Letter from architects enclosing copies of letters from Osbourne & Hunter, 2 Jun 1908 (d) Specifications and schedule from James E. Sayers & Caldwell, Jun 1908 (e) Letter from architects re: choice of tender, 23 Jun 1908 GOV/5/6/14: Specifications for the installation of a Lightning Conductor at GSA: (a) Messrs. Anderson & Munro - specification, Apr 1909 (b) Covering letter from Anderson & Munro, Apr 1909 (c) Osbourne & Hunter - specification, Apr 1909 (d) Telford, Grier & Mackay - specification, Apr 1909 (e) Claude Hamilton Ltd. - specification, Apr 1909 (f) Corresp. from James E. Sayers & Caldwell, May 1909 (g) List of tenders, not dated GOV/5/6/15: The National Telephone Company, estimates for telephone lines and telephones [2 items], 1909-1910 GOV/5/6/16: Halliwell Furnace & Engineering Co., London: (a) particulars, May 1910 (b) business card (c) article in the Sanitary Record & Municipal Engineering Vol XLV, No. 1067 [3 items] GOV/5/6/17: Tenders for the installation of an electric lift: (a) A & P Steven, Provanside Engine Works, estimate for an electric passenger lift, 17 Jan 1908 (b) R. Waygood & Co. Ltd., estimate for an electric lift and specification (inc. notes on requirements for lift from GSA, d. Dec 1911), Oct 1910 (c) A & P Steven, Provanside Engine Works, estimate for an electric goods lift, 20 Jan 1911 (d) A & P Steven, Provanside Engine Works, specification for a passenger lift at GSA, 8 May 1911 (e) British Engine, Boiler & Electric Insurance Co. Ltd., estimate for lift insurance, 31 Jan 1912 GOV/5/6/18: Estimate for fitting electric radiators into the Library, delayed, not dated GOV/5/6/19: Speirs A/C: scrap detailing excess over estimate lists extra fittings required, not dated GOV/5/6/20: Comparative statement of estimates and measurements for building, Jul 1909 GOV/5/6/21: Estimates & Corresp. re: clocks (a) Dykes Bros. Mar-Sep 1909 (b) The Magenta Company Mar-May 1909 GOV/5/6/22: Estimates re: window cleaning (a) Glasgow Corporation Water Works, 5 Nov 1908 (b) Estimate from Moses, Speirs & Sons with covering letter from architects, 17 Nov 1908 GOV/5/6/23: Estimate from Victor Devine, Plumber, 3 Dec 1907 GOV/5/6/24: Estimate from W.A. Davidson for Repousse Work, 17 Apr 1910 GOV/5/6/25: Estimate for insurance of Steam Boilers, 29 Jan 1908 GOV/5/6/26: Estimate from Wm. Douglas & Sons re: Painter Work in the Ornament Room, 27 Oct 1910 GOV/5/6/27: Estimate from M Stewart, Builder for work in the Animal Room, 20 Oct 1909 GOV/5/6/28: Estimate from G. Ferguson & Sons for platform for Animal Room, 12 Mar 1910

*Not available / given

Plans and Outsize Material

Plans and sections of works c1909-1918. GOV/5/8/1: J.E.Sayers & Caldwell Ltd., Plan of Electric Lighting - Sub-basement floor, Basement Floor Scale: 1/8" to 1.0', Annotated, 1909 GOV/5/8/2: J.E. Sayers & Caldwell Ltd., Plan of roof - proposed Lightning Conductor, Scale: n.k., [Brittle], not dated GOV/5/8/3: Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh, Coils, Second Floor, [Stamped Jas. Cormack & Sons, Heating Engineers], Scale: n.k., [Brittle], not dated GOV/5/8/4: Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh, Section through main staircase showing proposed lift shaft, Scale: n.k., [Pencil & ink on tracing paper. Brittle], not dated GOV/5/8/5: Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh, Proposed well for Electric Lift (ref. no. 273), Scale: 1/4" to 1.0', [Pencil & ink on tracing paper], Mar 1911 GOV/5/8/6: Platforms in Animal Room, Cross & longitudinal sections (ref. no. 465), Scale: n.k., [Brittle - very fragile], not dated GOV/5/8/7: Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh, Railings at Dalhousie Street Entrance Parapet End elevation, Cross-section [5 items], Scale: 3/4" to 1.0', [Pencil & ink on tracing paper. Brittle], not dated GOV/5/8/8: Keppie & Henderson, Proposed Extension of Coal Storage at front area, with architect's letter, Cross section & Plan, Scale: n.k., [Pencil & ink on tracing paper], Mar 1918

*Not available / given


Estimates from contractors for work on the School Extension. GOV/5/10/5/1: Glasgow School of Art Proposed Extensions, Estimate for Glazier Work, c1927 (1 booklet) GOV/5/10/5/2: Glasgow School of Art Proposed Extensions, Estimate for Excavator, Mason, Brick and Concrete Works, c1927 (1 booklet) GOV/5/10/5/3: Glasgow School of Art Proposed Extensions, Estimate for Carpenter and Joiner Works, c1927 (1 booklet) GOV/5/10/5/4: Bundle of estimates for work by Robert Scott & Son, 1926 (3 items) GOV/5/10/5/5: Bundle of lists of offers and lowest offers from various contractors for School Extension work, 1927 (4 items) GOV/5/10/5/6: Letter from the Glasgow Corporation Electricity Department to the School providing an estimate for a supply of electricity to 172 Renfrew Street, 21 Nov 1927

*Not available / given

Fire Precaution Papers

Papers regarding fire precaution measures at the Glasgow School of Art. Includes: instructions for how to use heated thrones safely; notices about fire drills to be carried out in the School; suggestions by the Master of Works for precautions to be taken in the event of fire, Feb 1928; Circular from the Library Bureau about the importance of record protection in the event of a fire, 02 Feb 1928; correspondence with Osborne & Hunter, Electrical Contractors, about their examination of the electric lighting and reports on fire precaution installations such as fire alarms, Feb-Mar 1928; and a circular from William Miller (Glasgow) Ltd. with brochure advertising fire 'extincteurs', Mar 1928. (20 items)

*Not available / given

Sociology essay

Material related to an essay submitted as part of sociology course in the form of comb binding with 15 handwritten pages. This paper studied the social life of people in the industrial era in the 19th and early 20th century from some of cities and towns across Britain. It addresses the development of both urban and suburban design associated with the style of massive house building programmes that accommodated immigrant factory employees.

Platt, Christopher

Art notebook

A red notebook with 'ART' written on the front cover with stylised typography. The notebook contains notes on Wilson's work and work by other artists including Michael Ayrton, and planning for Wilson's portfolio for Glasgow School of Art. A collection of letters are also stuck to the pages of the notebook, which include Wilson's acceptance letter for the Glasgow School of Art dated to 1972, correspondence between Wilson and Ayrton and between Wilson and The Bruton Gallery regarding Ayrton's work. The notebook also lists sales of Wilson's work made between 1973 and 1974. The last page in the notebook contains a catalogue of art-related books.

Wilson, Colin

First year Studio Subject No. 2 coursework instructions from session 1946/47

Coursework instructions for the class 'Studio Subject No. 3' for first year day and part time students. The instructions are from the 1946-47 session. The instructions ask the student to design a foresters' bothy. This copy has some notes written on it in pencil.

The Glasgow School of Architecture

Elizabeth Marion Harvey's record of fees paid to the Royal Technical College, Glasgow

Record of Elizabeth Marion Harvey's fees paid to the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, for session 1947-1948 day classes. The architecture course composition fee was £26.57. She also paid £10:6 for the Student's Welfare Fund. It was paid on 10-10-1947 and is signed by James S. Croft, the treasurer. On the back is a blank 'election of rector' form for the University of Glasgow.

Royal Technical College

Documents relating to Buchanan Street/Gordon Street Permanent Pedestrian Scheme

Two black and white cityscape photographs taken on street level, each with a round black sticker placed in the lower third, and two architectural plans. Both plans are titled "Buchanan Street/Gordon Street Permanent Pedestrian Scheme" and have "The Corporation of Glasgow Planning Department" printed at the bottom of the page, The name "James H. Rae" appears on one and "Robert D. Mansley" on the other. Original envelope found under DC 102/1/53.

The Corporation of Glasgow

Results 1 to 50 of 12440