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The Scottish Art and Design Collection

  • DC 008
  • Collection
  • 1881-1993

This personal collection, incorporating the Collections of National Society for Education in Art and Design Scottish Region, was deposited by Stuart W MacDonald, Senior Advisor for Strathclyde Region Educational Development Service, in February 1995.

It comprises material from various educational committees and forums with which he was associated, together with the Consultative Committee on the Curriculum item bank, an art projects resource bank for schools. The collection also includes a small number of books from Arthur MacMorland, a leading exponent of Children's Art in Scotland, and former student of Glasgow School of Art.

This includes:

  • The material is arranged into 6 sub-fonds:
  • GSA DC 08/1: 5-14 Expressive Arts (Review and Development Group 4)
  • GSA DC 08/2: Consultative Committee on the Curriculum
  • GSA DC 08/3: Media Education in Picture and Sound
  • GSA DC 08/4: National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD) Scottish Region
  • GSA DC 08/5: Strathclyde Department of Education, Dumbarton Division: Study Packs
  • GSA DC 08/6: Arthur MacMorland's Library

Materials include teachers notes, study packs, examples of the kind of work produced in the schemes and teaching aids.

Please note that this material is not yet fully catalogued and therefore some items may not be accessible to researchers.

MacDonald, Stuart W

The coach house, 47 Eldon Street, Greenock: Survey notes (page1)

12 cartridge paper sheets including free hand sketches of the coach house ground floor plan, upper floor plan, section CC, section BB, section AA, N.W elevation, N.E elevation, S.W elevation, S.E elevation, and several architectural details including gate, window, and cast iron fireplace. Although these drawings are all free hand sketches, they also include details of the entire building's dimensions and materials used indoors and outdoors.

Platt, Christopher

The coach house, 47 Eldon Street, Greenock: photos

Cartridge paper sheet including five photos of the coach house taken by the architect focusing on the external view from different angles showing some details such as the junction of the roof, and details of ridge window where the large windows have been boarded up. One of these photos shows the front elevation of the coach house facing the driveway leading to Health Headquarters situated on the top of the hill above the coach house.

Platt, Christopher

The coach house, 47 Eldon Street, Greenock: photograph

A photograph taken by the architect showing the front view of the coach house from the main road (Eldon Street), showing the Health Board Headquarters building situated on top of the hill above the coach house.

Platt, Christopher

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