Working Papers of Francis Newbery. Reports and papers from Newbery's time as Director of the School. Papers as follows: DIR/5/38/2/1: Total Abstinence Pledge card signed by the School Janitor Alex Russell and countersigned by Francis Newbery as witness, in envelope, 07 Jan 1902 (1 item). DIR/5/38/2/2: Typewritten report on the Turin Exhibition by Newbery, 1902 (11 pages). DIR/5/38/2/3: Handwritten document: 'School of Art, Central Institution, Resolutions', regarding topics such as the scheme of work and the Scottish Education Department. Looks like comment on another document with paragraphs numbered, c1910 (6 pages). DIR/5/38/2/4: Correspondence and papers relating to the National Art Survey, 1909-1912 (1 folder).