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The Glasgow School of Art With digital objects
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Sphagnum moss sign

Cast metal (probably bronze) commemorative plaque from the Mackintosh building with raised lettering reading, 'To record the use of this building as a sphagnum moss depot. during the Great War and the thanks of the Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society to the generous donors. April 1919.'

*Not available / given

Records of the Scottish Society of Art Workers

  • DC 001
  • Collection
  • 1898-1901

This collections contains:

  • A notebook containing the constitution and rules of the society signed by its members
  • Printed version of the constitution and rules, c1898
  • Minute book, 1898-1900
  • Letter from John Keppie to Fra. Newbery re: the Glasgow School of Art receiving a copy of the constitution and rules, 1901

Keppie, John

Poster for The Glasgow School Of Art degree show

This poster advertised The Glasgow School Of Art's annual degree show. The exhibition was held on The Glasgow School Of Art campus as well as in the Centre for Contemporary Arts and Tramway which are local arts centres. The 2003 degree show was sponsored by McGrigor Donald, Hoegaarden Beer, the MacFarlane Group and the Gordon Yuill Company. The image used in the poster is by Raul Ortega and the poster was designed by Inlapland.

*Not available / given

Papers of William R Hunter

  • DC 011
  • Collection
  • 1896-1967

Collection includes:

  • Diary written while travelling on Keppie Scholarship, 1913-1914
  • Collection of 250 postcards of European cities, paintings, sculptures collected on tour, 1913-1914
  • 12 ink sketches of Childe Ronald's Pilgrimage by TWYM (aka A.S. Boyd), n.d.
  • Exhibition catalogues
  • Illustrations

The collection also includes original illustrations drawn by A S Boyd (aka TWYM) and Stephen Reid, both noted Scottish illustrators.

Additional uncatalogued material includes

  • x 6 photographs
  • x1 GSA practical notes on materials for painting
  • x1 diploma for May Jackson
  • x1 diploma scroll for William Reid Hunter

Please note that this material is not yet fully catalogued and therefore some items may not be accessible to researchers.

Hunter, William R

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