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Records of The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland *Not available / given Folder Hospitalfield
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Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1952. Includes correspondence with: Dr Thomas Anderson, the Department of Infectious Diseases, about a memorial window to John Brownlee; papers about the Scottish Central (Art) Institutions conference; the Arts Council of Great Britain; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland: Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh; John Betjeman, about his lecturing on Victorian Architecture at Edinburgh; correspondence with the British Council; correspondence and papers about a Bookbinding & Lettering Exhibition, 1-15 Mar 1952; the Council of Industrial Design, Scottish Committee, about various matters such as meetings, collaborations, and competitions; William Cormack, Stow College of Enginering, about inspections of the Pottery Department; correspondence with the Dryad Press; correspondence with the Edinburgh College of Art; Sir James French, about a printing press; correspondence with the Furniture Development Council; Gayonnes Ltd, about Sylvia Chalmers' designs; correspondence about the Glasgow School of Art Association; correspondence with the Governors of the School; Earl Haig about a lecture from Victor Pasmore at the School; correspondence about Hospitalfield; correspondence with Jordanhill Training College; Liberty & Co Ltd, about an exhibition of furniture; a list of books to be added to the Library; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; correspondence with the National Trust for Scotland; 'Picture Post' magazine, about an article on the Glasgow School of Art Fashion Parade; Permits for the use of School premises; Private correspondence of Bliss; correspondence with the Royal College of Art; correspondence with the Scottish Central (Art) Institutions; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence about student Miss Elizabeth Stewart and her flair for Fashion Design; correspondence about the Scottish Commando Memorial Fund; correspondence with the Students' Representative Council; correspondence with School Staff; correspondence with the University of Glasgow; 'Vogue' magazine, about students to do drawings for the magazine; correspondence with the Victoria & Albert Museum; Mr C Wright, asking advice about a career as a Commercial Designer, includes sketch of a boat in a harbour. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/8/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/2: 'Art School Principals', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/3: Correspondence, 'B', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/4: 'Bookbinding & Lettering Exhibition', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/7: Correspondence, 'E', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/8: Correspondence, 'F', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/9: Correspondence, 'G', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/10: 'Governors', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/11: Correspondence, 'H', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/12: Correspondence, 'I', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/13: Correspondence, 'J', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/14: Correspondence, 'K', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/15: Correspondence, 'L', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/16: Correspondence, 'M', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/17: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/18: Correspondence, 'N', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/19: Correspondence, 'O', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/20: Correspondence, 'P', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/21: 'Permits for the use of School Premises', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/22: 'Private Correspondence', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/23:  Correspondence, 'R', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/24: Correspondence, 'S', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/25: 'Scottish Commando Memorial Fund', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/26: 'SRC-Students Representative Council', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/27: 'Staff', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/28: Correspondence, 'T', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/29: Correspondence, 'U', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/30: Correspondence, 'V', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/31: Correspondence, 'W', 1952 DIR/12/1/8/32: Correspondence, 'Y & Z', 1952

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1957-1958. Includes correspondence with: Aukin & Co, about a Memorial Exhibition for Barnett Freedman; correspondence about the Argyll teachers conference; correspondence with Alastair Gray; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland; correspondence with Art Galleries; the Arts Council of Great Britain; the British School at Rome, about scholarships; John Barnes, of Allen-Bowden Ltd, about a lecture he gave at the Art School; the Belmos Company, about Industrial Design; Croft Bodybuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, about a Showroom display that won First Place; Central Art Committee Report; correspondence with the Corporation of Glasgow; the Council of Industrial Design; correspondence with James Cowie, about an Exhibition; the Dante Alighieri Society; Educational Institute of Scotland, about a lecture by Bliss; 'Formica' Limited, about a furniture competition; the Federation of British Industries, about a conference; the German Consul, about a lecture by Professor Grohmann; the Glasgow Institute of Architecture, about the visit of Danish Architect Professor Steen Eiler Rasmussen and other matters; correspondence about the Glasgow Civic Art Association; Graphic Samples Service; correspondence with the Governors of the School; correspondence about the Hospitalfield Trust; the National Committee for the Training of Teachers, Jordanhill; the Illuminating Engineering Society, about a lecture Bliss will deliver to the Society; Mogens Kay-Larsen, the Danish Institute; correspondence about Leverhulme Research Awards; 'Lurex', about a box of thread and fabric samples sent to the School; Library Rules and Regulations Notice; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about a gift of C R M Mackintosh furniture from the School to the Museum; the William Morris Society, about an Exhibition that Bliss will launch; Joseph McCrum, about becoming a visiting lecturer; corrrespondence with the National Committee for the Training of Teachers; Margaret B Napier, about the Margaret Napier Memorial Prize; correspondence with the Publicity Club of Glasgow; Permits; personal correspondence of Bliss; Queen Margaret Union about their 25th Anniversary Convention; The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts; the Royal Scottish Academy; the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, about the Sir John Burnet Memorial Prize; the Scottish Art Teachers' Association about using a room at the Art School for a meeting; Mark Sponenburgh, the Royal College of Art, about his visit to Glasgow; the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with Staff; the Student Christian Movement; correspondence regarding students; correspondence with prospective applicants; the SRC- Student Representative Council; the Tate Gallery about a 'Yugoslav Exhibition'; the University of Glasgow, about stained glass, the sculptural panel of the Engineering Building extension, and other matters; University of Glasgow, Schemes of Courses for the Degree of BSc in Architecture; the Victoria & Albert Museum; Francis Watson, the Wallace Collection, about lectures he will deliver in Glasgow; Walter Wilkinson, about his visiting Glasgow to perform a puppet show; correspondence with the Glasgow & West of Scotland Council for Technical Education. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/13/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/2: 'Alastair Gray', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/3: 'Art Colleges, Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh & Glasgow', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/4: 'Art Galleries', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/5: 'Art Schools (excluding the 4 Scottish Colleges)', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/6: 'Arts Council of Great Britain', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/7: Correspondence, 'B', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/8: 'Brown, Miss E D', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/9: Correspondence, 'C', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/10: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/11: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/12: 'Cowie, James', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/13: Correspondence, 'D', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/14: Correspondence, 'E', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/15: Correspondence, 'F', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/16: Correspondence, 'G', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/17: 'Governors', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/18: Correspondence, 'H', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/19: 'Hospitalfield Trust', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/20: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/21: Correspondence, 'K', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/22: Correspondence, 'L', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/23: Correspondence, 'M', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/24: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/25: Correspondence, 'N', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/26: Correspondence, 'O', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/27: Correspondence, 'P', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/28: 'Permits', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/29: 'Personal', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/30: Correspondence, 'Q', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/31: Correspondence, 'R', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/32: Correspondence, 'S', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/33: 'Scottish Education Department', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/34: 'Staff', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/35: 'Student Christian Movement- SCM', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/36: 'Students', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/37: 'Students- prospective applicants', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/38: 'SRC-Students Representative Council', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/39: Correspondence, 'T', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/40: Correspondence, 'U', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/41: Correspondence, 'V', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/42: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/43: '(Glasgow) & West of Scotland Council for Technical Education', 1957-1958 DIR/12/1/13/44: Correspondence, 'Y - Z', 1957-1958

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1963-1964. Includes correspondence with: the American Society in Scotland, about donations; The Department of Agriculture & Fisheries; correspondence about Architecture at the School of Art and Town Planning; correspondence with other Principals of the main 4 Art Colleges in Scotland; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; Kelvingrove Art Gallery; correspondence with the Arts Council; the BBC, about a programme, "Double Take", Alasdair Gray and borrowing photographs of a Mural by Gray; the British Council, about visits; correspondence about the Bellahouston Trust; correspondence about Mrs Mary Black; correspondence with John Byrne; correspondence about the S H W Cargill Enquiry; correspondence about the David Cargill Fund; correspondence with the Corporation of Glasgow; correspondence with the Council for Industrial Design; the Danish Institute, about an invitation to view their annual Exhibition; Lucienne Day, about her acting as Assessor for the Art School; correspondence about the Dante Alighieri Society; correspondence with the Educational Institute of Scotland; The Evening Times, about nominations for 'Scotswoman of the Year'; Hugh Fraser, House of Fraser, about the School acquiring parts of a C R Mackintosh building that is due to be pulled down; correspondence with the BBC about photographs of Alistair Gray's Mural; the Glasgow Institute of Architects, about their meeting; Glasgow Art Club; correspondence about German Exhibitions; correspondence with the School Governors; Sir John Craik Henderson, about the Cargill Fund; correspondence about Hospitalfield; International Film Associates, about an 'Art School' film; correspondence with the International News Service Ltd; Jordanhill Training College; Keppie, Henderson & Partners; correspondence about the Glasgow School of Art Library; correspondence about the teaching of Liberal Studies at the School; correspondence about a London Visit, 1964; the William Morris Society; correspondence about casts of Michelangelo statues and a lecture about the artist; MacBraynes, about work carried out for them by the School; correspondence about Charles Rennie Mackintosh; correspondence about the National Book League; correspondence about the Pearce Institute; Bliss' personal correspondence; correspondence about the Royal Scottish Academy Award; correspondence about a RIBA conference; the Scottish Art Teachers' Association, including an article written by Bliss for them titled 'Eighteen Years a Principal' about his role as Principal of the Art School; correspondence about the St Mungo Prize; correspondence about Scotland Magazine; the Scottish-German Society; correspondence with the School Secretary; the Scottish Education Department; correspondence about Slides for the School; the Society of Industrial Artists; correspondence with School Staff; correspondence with current and prospective students; correspondence about Thomson Foundation Television College; the University of Glasgow; the Victoria & Albert Museum; correspondence about Weaving Courses. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/19/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/2: 'Agriculture, Fisheries, Department of', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/3: 'Architecture', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/4: 'Art Colleges, the four Scottish', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/5: 'Art Colleges, other', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/6: 'Art Gallery', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/7: 'Arts Council', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/8: Correspondence, 'B', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/9: 'Bellahouston Trust', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/10: 'Black, Mrs Mary', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/11: 'Byrne, John', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/12: Correspondence, 'C', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/13: 'Cargill, S H W, Enquiry', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/14: 'Cargill, D W J, Fund', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/15: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/16: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/17: Correspondence, 'D', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/18: Correspondence, 'E', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/19: Correspondence, 'F', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/20: Correspondence, 'G', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/21: 'Germany', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/22: 'Governors', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/23: Correspondence, 'H', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/24: 'Hospitalfield', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/25: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/26: Correspondence, 'K', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/27: 'Keppie, Henderson & Partners', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/28: Correspondence, 'L', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/29: 'Liberal Studies', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/30: 'London Visit, 1964' DIR/12/1/19/31: Correspondence, 'M', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/32: 'Michelangelo', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/33: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/34: 'MacBraynes', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/35: 'Mackintosh, C R', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/36: Correspondence, 'N', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/37: Correspondence, 'O', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/38: Correspondence, 'P', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/39: 'Pearce Institute', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/40: 'Permissions', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/41: 'Personal', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/42: Correspondence, 'R', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/43: Correspondence, 'S', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/44: '"Scotland" Magazine', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/45: 'Scottish German Society', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/46: 'Secretary to the Director', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/47: 'S E D (Scottish Education Department)', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/48: 'Slides', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/49: 'Society of Industrial Artists', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/50: 'Staff', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/51: 'Students', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/52: 'Students, letters inwards', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/53: 'Students- prospective', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/54: Correspondence, 'T', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/55: Correspondence, 'U', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/56: Correspondence, 'V', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/57: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1963-1964 DIR/12/1/19/58: Correspondence, 'Y', 1963-1964

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1958-1959. Includes correspondence with: the Arts Council of Great Britain, about lectures and other matters; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; Kelvingrove Art Gallery; correspondence about the Bellahouston Bequest Fund; the British Council, about a visitor from Brazil; The Boy Scouts Association about a clay figure of 'Youth' by Rose Sarna; the Carter Group of Companies, about a travelling Exhibition of products; correspondence about the Commando Memorial Fund; the Corporation of Glasgow; the Council for Industry and Design; Rev Father Dooley, about a space in the Art School for prayer; the Design Research Unit; Joan Eardley, about a painting; the Factory Inspectorate about a visit to the School's Pottery Department; 'Formica' Limited, about a furniture design competition; correspondence about a memorial Exhibition for Alan Fletcher; the Glasgow Institute of Architects; correspondence about Kumasi College of Technology, Ghana; correspondence with the Governors of the Art School; correspondence with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon; correspondence about Hospitalfield; correspondence with Jordanhill Training College; Johnson, Matthey & Co Ltd, about samples of pottery decorated by the screen process; Keppie, Henderson & Partners, about a proposed extension of the Art School; report of a visit to London by students and staff, Easter 1959; correspondence about Leverhulme Scholarships; Messrs Mitchells, Johnston & Co about the Bellahouston Bequest Fund; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about receiving a loan of Mackintosh items for an Art Nouveau Exhibition; the National College of Rubber Technology, about a visit from students of GSA; the Corporation of Paisley, about a William Morris Exhibition; Permits for the use of School property; personal correspondence of Bliss; correspondence about an exhibition of 'Pittori Toscani'; the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, about prizes; Professor Talbot Rice, he will present the Art School Diplomas; the Scottish Daily Mail, about the 'Ideal Home' Exhibition, Edinburgh; the Scottish German Society; correspondence with the Scottish Christain Movement; correspondence about the St Mungo Prize; correspondence with the Scottish Art Teachers' Association; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with Staff; correspondence with students and prospective students; the University of Glasgow, about the Chapel Committee and other matters; the Victoria & Albert Museum, about Exhibitions; Francis Watson, The Wallace Collection, about coming to Glasgow to deliver a lecture; correspondence with the West of Scotland Committee for Technical Education. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/14/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/2: 'Art Colleges, the 4 Scottish', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/3: 'Art Colleges, Art Schools, Art Departments' (excluding the 4 Scottish Colleges), 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/4: 'Art Gallery', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/5: Correspondence, 'B', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/6: 'Miss Brown', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/7: Correspondence, 'C', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/8: 'Commando Memorial Fund', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/9: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/10: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/11: Correspondence, 'D', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/12: Correspondence, 'E', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/13: Correspondence, 'F', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/14: 'Fletcher, Alan', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/15: Correspondence, 'G', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/16: 'Ghana', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/17: 'Governors', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/18: 'Gulbenkian', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/19: Correspondence, 'H', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/20: 'Hospitalfield', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/21: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/22: Correspondence, 'K', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/23: Correspondence, 'L', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/24: Correspondence, 'M', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/25: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/26: Correspondence, 'N', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/27: Correspondence, 'O', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/28: Correspondence, 'P', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/29: 'Permits', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/30: 'Personal', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/31: 'Pittori Toscani', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/32: Correspondence, 'R', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/33: Correspondence, 'S', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/34: 'Scottish Art Teachers' Association', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/35: 'Scottish Education Department', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/36: 'Scottish Hotel School', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/37: 'Staff', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/38: 'Students', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/39: 'Students- prospective', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/40: Correspondence, 'T', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/41: Correspondence, 'U', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/42: Correspondence, 'V', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/43: Correspondence, 'W & X', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/44: 'West of Scotland Committee for Technical Education', 1958-1959 DIR/12/1/14/45: Correspondence, 'Y', 1958-1959

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1959-1960. Includes correspondence with: the Arts Council of Great Britain, about exhibitions etc; Allen-Bowden Ltd, about John Barnes' visit to the Art School to give a lecture; correspondence with other Principals of the main 4 Art Colleges in Scotland and Technical Institutes; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; the British Council, about a loan of Mackintosh furniture for a Paris Exhibition; Lord Bilsland, about a drawing of the monument to Bishop Law in Glasgow Cathedral; correspondence with H Jefferson Barnes, Deputy Director of the School; correspondence with the Bellahouston Trustees; correspondence about the Burnham Committee for recognition of the Diplomas of the Four Central (Art) Institutions in Scotland; the Corporation of Glasgow, about the Castle Toward Art Course; correspondence with the Council of Industrial Design about a Carpet Conference; correspondence about Mrs Lucienne Day's reports on the Design Diplomas; the Ford Motor Company, about a potential talk on automotive design; correspondence about carpet designs for Glasgow Cathedral; Greenock Burgh Police, about a competition for Road Safety Posters; correspondence about the Gulbenkian Foundation; Glasgow Museums & Art Galleries, inviting Bliss to give a lecture; correspondence about Kumasi College of Technology, Ghana; correspondence with the Governors of the School; correspondence about the Hospitalfield Trust; correspondence about the Harkness Fellowships of the Commonwealth Fund; Jordanhill College of Education; International Textiel Organisatie, Holland, about student placements; Keppie, Henderson & Partners, about the extension to the Art School; correspondence with the Lady Artists Club; correspondence about Leverhulme Scholarships; correspondence about a visit to London in 1960 by Staff and Students; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about the loan of a Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh gesso panel; Messrs Mitchells, Johnston & Co, about Bellahouston Bequest Fund Travelling Scholarships; Miss Napier, about the Margaret Napier Prize for Embroidery; Eli Prins, about his visit to the Art School to deliver a lecture; Princes Street Association, about a competition for the scheme of decoration; Permits; personal correspondence of Bliss; the Royal Society of Arts, about nominations; the Royal Scottish Academy of Music, about producing a cover for a programme; correspondence with the Student Christain Movement; Miss Susannah Steltman, about a visit to Glasgow; correspondence with Scottish Hotel School, about lectures; the Scottish Daily Express, about the coverage of trouble at School dances; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with School Staff; correspondence with current and prospective students; the University of London Institute of Education, about visits to Scottish Art Schools; the University of Glasgow about German drawings and Mackintosh drawings; correspondence with the Victoria & Albert Museum; Fred Wylie, about an Architectural Competition; Wester Elchies School, about a new Art and Handwork Teacher; Dame Rebecca West, about the School Diploma Ceremony. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/15/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/2: 'Art Colleges, the 4 Scottish', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/3: 'Art Schools, excluding the 4 Scottish', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/5: 'Barnes, H Jefferson', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/6: 'Bellahouston Trustees', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/7: 'The Burnham Papers', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/8: Correspondence, 'C', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/9: 'Council for Industrial Design', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/10: Correspondence, 'D', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/11: 'The Developing Process, Exhibition', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/12: Correspondence, 'E', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/13: 'Education, Ministry of', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/14: Correspondence, 'F', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/15: Correspondence, 'G', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/16: 'Ghana', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/17: 'Governors', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/18: Correspondence, 'H', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/19: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/20: Correspondence, 'K', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/21: Correspondence, 'L', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/22: 'London Visit', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/23: Correspondence, 'M', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/24: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/25: Correspondence, 'N', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/26: Correspondence, 'O', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/27: Correspondence, 'P', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/28: 'Permits', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/29: 'Personal', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/30: Correspondence, 'Q', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/31: Correspondence, 'R', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/32: Correspondence, 'S', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/33: 'Scottish Education Department', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/34: 'Secretarial Letters from D C B to Bliss', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/35: 'Staff', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/36: 'Students', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/37: 'Students- prospective', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/38: Correspondence, 'T', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/39: Correspondence, 'U', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/40: Correspondence, 'V', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/41: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1959-1960 DIR/12/1/15/42: Correspondence, 'Y - Z', 1959-1960

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1960-1961. Includes correspondence with: the Arts Council of Great Britain, about lectures; James Anderson & Co, about the retirement of Mr Whitaker; correspondence with other Principals of the main 4 Art Colleges in Scotland and Technical Institutes; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; the Business Archives Council of Scotland about an exhibition of business archives; Miss Jean Brodie, about Bliss delivering a lecture to the Glasgow Association of University Women; Blackie & Son Ltd, about pamphlets from the Society of Industrial Artists; the BBC, about an exhibition of original drawings for "The Radio Times"; correspondence about the Bellahouston Bequest Fund; correspondence about the carpet for Glasgow Cathedral; correspondence with the Corporation of Glasgow; correspondence with the Council of Industrial Design; correspondence about the Dante Alighieri Society; the Danish Institute about a student visit; Mrs Lucienne Day about being an external assessor; correspondence with the Franco Scottish Society; the Glasgow Institute of Architects, about the new Department of Architecture; Glasgow Civic Art Association, about Exhibitions; Glasgow Buildings Guardian Committee; correspondence about Ghana school of Technology; correspondence with the School Governors; correspondence about Hospitalfield; Sir Hector Hetherington, University of Glasgow, about the BSc in Architecture; the Italian Consul, about the Dante Alighieri Society; correspondence with Jordanhill College of Education; correspondence about an Industrial Design Exhibition; Mr Kay-Larsen, about the Danish Institute; correspondence with Keppie, Henderson & Partners; correspondence with the Lady Artist's Club; the London School of Printing, Bliss asking if he can visit; correspondence about the Leverhulme Research Awards; correspondence about London visits; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about their Art Nouveau Exhibition; the William Morris Society; McCorquodale Printers, about printing Bliss' Christmas Card for the year; correspondence about a C R Mackintosh Exhibition in 1961; correspondence with 'Mostra Della Moda' about a Mackintosh furniture exhibition in Turin; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; the National Book League, about an exhibition that the Art School will house; Eli Prins, about lecturing at the School; Miss Eliosa Paganelli, about an Italian translation for a passage about Mackintosh; the Pollok House Society of Glasgow; Permits; personal correspondence of Bliss; the Royal Scottish Academy, Joan Eardley, about her acting as the Assessor of the RSA; Rowan & Boden Ltd, about a Design Competition; Lady Rosebery about a Prize she would like to endow; correspondence about the St Mungo Prize; the Scottish National Portrait Gallery about a reproduction of a photograph of Charles Rennie Mackintosh; The Scottish Field magazine, about images of Mackintosh; Mrs Mary Sturrock, about Mackintosh exhibitions; Rafael Squirru, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, about his visiting the Art School to deliver a lecture; the Scottish Art Teachers' Association; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with the School Secretary, Mr Black; correspondence with School Staff; correspondence with current and prospective students; the University of Glasgow, about a Turin Exhibition and the BSc in Architecture; correspondence with the Victoria & Albert Museum; the Wedgwood Museum, about Portland Vases; the Workers' Educational Association, about tutoring Art Classes for the association; Crissie White, about her award of an Embroidery Prize. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/16/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/2: 'Art Colleges, the 4 Scottish', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/3: 'Art Colleges, excluding the 4 Scottish', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/5: 'The British Council', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/6: Correspondence, 'C', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/7: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/8: Correspondence, 'D', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/9: Correspondence, 'E', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/10: Correspondence, 'F', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/11: Correspondence, 'G', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/12: 'Ghana', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/13: 'Governors', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/14: Correspondence, 'H', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/15: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/16: 'Industrial Design Exhibition', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/17: Correspondence, 'K', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/18: 'Keppie, Henderson & Partners', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/19: Correspondence, 'L', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/20: 'London Visits', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/21: Correspondence, 'M', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/22: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/23: 'Mackintosh, C R', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/24: 'Mostra Della Moda', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/25: Correspondence, 'N', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/26: Correspondence, 'O', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/27: Correspondence, 'P', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/28: 'Permits', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/29: 'Personal', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/30: Correspondence, 'R', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/31: Correspondence, 'S', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/32: 'Scottish Education Department', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/33: 'Secretary', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/34: 'Staff', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/35: 'Students', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/36: 'Students- prospective', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/37: Correspondence, 'T', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/38: Correspondence, 'U', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/39: Correspondence, 'V', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/40: Correspondence, 'W', 1960-1961 DIR/12/1/16/41: Correspondence, 'Y - Z', 1960-1961

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1961-1962. Includes correspondence with: Sir William F Arbuckle, about Bliss joining an informal Committee of the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with other Principals of the main 4 Art Colleges in Scotland; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; correspondence with Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery; the Arts Council of Great Britain; James A Banks, about an account of the Glasgow School of Architecture; the British Red Cross Society, about a poster competition; correspondence about the Bellahouston Bequest; Ralph Brown, about his becoming a visiting lecturer; the British Council about a visit by Mr Fujio Koyama; D L Cochrane, about the teaching of Textile Design at the School; correspondence about the John & Mabel Craig Bequest; the Corporation of Glasgow; the Council for Industrial Design; Dr W Cameron Davidson, about visiting Glasgow School of Art and about his father's house, Windyhill, and its furniture; correspondence about the Dante Alighieri Society; the Danish Institute about a Danish Design Exhibition; Miss Joan Eardley, about the award of a Royal Scottish Academy painting prize; D M Elliot, the Scottish Film Council, about a collection of Art Slides for the Art School; the Factory Inspectorate, about the School Pottery Department; the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths' Exhibit at the British Exhibition, Stockholm, 1962: Diary information; Glasgow Buildings Guardian Committee, about meetings; Glasgow Art Club, about a Fashion Parade; correspondence about a visit by Bliss to Germany, 1962; correspondence about the School of Art & Crafts, Kumasi, Ghana; correspondence with the Governors of the Art School; correspondence about Hospitalfield; House & Garden magazine, about chairs by Glasgow Students for their timber Holiday House at the Ideal Homes Exhibition; the Italian Consul, about a visit to the School by Barone Ferdinando; correspondence with Jordanhill Training College; correspondence about the visit of Mr Fujio Koyama; correspondence with Keppie, Henderson & Partners; correspondence with the Lady Artists' Club; correspondence about the Leverhulme Research Awards; correspondence about a London visit 1962; Alastair Morton, Edinburgh Weavers, about a visit; MacKay and van Zijl, international advertising, about the design for a whisky advertisment; correspondence about Charles Rennie Mackintosh furniture and a brochure; correspondence with 'Mostra Della Moda' about a Mackintosh furniture exhibition in Turin; the National Book League; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; correspondence with the Glasgow School of Occupational Therapy; the Scottish Association of Opticians, about a design competition; Miss Agnes Miller Parker, about an exhibition she had at the Art School; Eli Prins about lectures at the Art School; Bliss' personal correspondence; the Royal Scottish Academy about the RSA Award and other matters; Bridget Riley, about her exhibition and a visit to Glasgow; Stockholm School of Arts and Crafts; correspondence about the St Mungo Prize; Maurice de Sausmarez, about his lectures in Glasgow; correspondence about the Scottish Hotel School; correspondence with Mr Schotz; the Secretary of the School; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence about a Slide collection for the School; Mr William Soukop; correspondence with School Staff and the Staff Association; correspondence with prospective students; correspondence about Town Planning; the Tree Lovers' Society; the University of Glasgow; the Victoria & Albert Museum. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/17/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/2: 'Art Colleges, the four Scottish', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/3: 'Art Colleges, others', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/4: 'Art Gallery', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/5: 'Arts Council', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/6: Correspondence, 'B', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/7: Correspondence, 'C', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/8: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/9: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/10: Correspondence, 'D', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/11: 'Danish Institute- Danish Design Exhibition', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/12: Correspondence, 'E', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/13: Correspondence, 'F', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/14: Correspondence, 'G', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/15: 'Germany', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/16: 'Ghana', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/17: 'Governors', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/18: Correspondence, 'H', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/19: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/20: Correspondence, 'K', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/21: 'Keppie, Henderson & Partners', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/22: Correspondence, 'L', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/23: 'London Visit 1962' DIR/12/1/17/24: Correspondence, 'M', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/25: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/26: 'Mackintosh, C R, Brochure', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/27: 'Mostra Della Moda', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/28: Correspondence, 'N', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/29: 'National Book League', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/30: 'Needlework Development Scheme', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/31: Correspondence, 'O', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/32: Correspondence, 'P', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/33: 'Personal', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/34: Correspondence, 'R', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/35: Correspondence, 'S', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/36: 'Schotz, Mr', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/37: 'Secretary', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/38: 'SED' (Scottish Education Department), 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/39: 'Slides', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/40: 'Soukop, Mr Willi', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/41: 'Staff', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/42: 'Staff and Staff Association', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/43: 'Students, prospective', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/44: Correspondence, 'T', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/45: Correspondence, 'U', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/46: Correspondence, 'V', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/47: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1961-1962 DIR/12/1/17/48: Correspondence, 'Y', 1961-1962

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1962-1963. Includes correspondence with: the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, about a decorative scheme for MacBrayne steamers; the Art Foundation, about the admission of students John Byrne and James Rafferty to the Winter School of Experimental Drawing and Painting; correspondence about Architecture and Town Planning; correspondence with other Principals of the main 4 Art Colleges in Scotland; correspondence with Art Colleges and Departments other than the Scottish 4; Kelvingrove Art Gallery; correspondence with the Arts Council; John Byrne, about his trip to italy; the British Council, about scholarships; British Nylon Spinners, about a textile student training scheme; correspondence about the Bellahouston Trust; the Communist Group; the Council for Visual Education, about slide collections; the Corporation of Glasgow; the Council for Industrial Design; Dr W Cameron Davidson, about Mackintosh furniture; the Dante Alighieri Society; the Educational Institute of Scotland; Rev John MacKenzie, about the dedication of a mural by Alasdair Gray; correspondence with Graphis Press; correspondence about Germany- the Director's visit and Exhibitions; correspondence with the Governors of the School; correspondence about Hospitalfield; Jordanhill College of Education; the Instituto Italiano, about Venetian Mosaics; Councillor John D Kelly, about an exhibition in Berlin; correspondence with Keppie, Henderson & Partners; correspondence about the Lillie Art Gallery; the Lord Provost, thanking him for his concern for the School; James Lawrie, about a scheme for art centres in the UK; correspondence about a London Visit, 1963; Sir William Murrie, about the Diploma distribution; the Burgh of Milngavie, about the Lillie Art Gallery; Harry McLean, about lectures he is delivering at the Art School; correspondence with MacBraynes Ltd about a scheme of interior decoration; correspondence about a brochure on Charles Rennie Mackintosh; correspondence with the National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design; correspondence with the National Book League; Eli Prins, on lectures at the Art School; correspondence about Photographic Courses; Bliss' personal correspondence; the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, about re-decoration of the College Hall, Christmas Cards, and other projects; correspondence with the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts; the Royal Scottish Academy, about Scholarships; correspondence with the Society of Industrial Artists; Scottish Film Council, about art slides; Mrs Mary Newbery Sturrock, about a copy of a Mackintosh lamp from the library of the Art School; correspondence with the School Secretary; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence about Slides; correspondence with School Staff and about the Staff Conference; correspondence with students and prospective students; the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, about a conference; correspondence about a proposed course in Town Planning; correspondence with the University of Glasgow; the Victoria & Albert Museum; Woudhuysen Design Group Ltd, about student work-projects; W E G P Wells, about lecturing on the Burrell Collection at the Art School. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/18/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/2: 'Architecture', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/3: 'Art Colleges, the four Scottish', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/4: 'Art Colleges, other', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/5: 'Art Gallery', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/6: 'Arts Council', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/7: Correspondence, 'B', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/8: 'Bellahouston Trust', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/9: Correspondence, 'C', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/10: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/11: 'Council of Industrial Design', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/12: Correspondence, 'D', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/13: 'The Dante Alighieri Society', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/14: Correspondence, 'E', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/15: Correspondence, 'F', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/16: Correspondence, 'G', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/17: 'Germany- Director's Visit & Exhibitions', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/18: 'Governors', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/19: Correspondence, 'H', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/20: 'Hospitalfield', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/21: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/22: Correspondence, 'K', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/23: 'Keppie, Henderson & Partners', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/24: Correspondence, 'L', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/25: 'London Visit', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/26: Correspondence, 'M', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/27: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/28: 'MacBraynes', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/29: 'Mackintosh, C R', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/30: Correspondence, 'N', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/31: 'National Book League', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/32: Correspondence, 'O', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/33: Correspondence, 'P', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/34: 'Permissions', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/35: 'Personal', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/36: Correspondence, 'R', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/37: Correspondence, 'S', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/38: 'Secretary', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/39: 'SED', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/40: 'Slides', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/41: 'Staff', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/42: 'Staff, continued', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/43: 'Staff Conference (Inter School)', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/44: 'Students', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/45: 'Students- Prospective', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/46: Correspondence, 'T', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/47: Correspondence, 'U', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/48: Correspondence, 'V', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/49: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/50: Correspondence, 'Y', 1962-1963 DIR/12/1/18/51: Correspondence, 'Z', 1962-1963

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1947-1948. Includes correspondence with: The Arts Council of Great Britain about Exhibitions; Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen; The British Council about a visit from Professor Ludwig Baldass; the British School at Rome; Allan Boase, University of Glasgow, about a Chair of Fine Arts at the University; correspondence about the Glasgow School of Art Association; College of Arts and Crafts, Birmingham, about the appointment of a teacher of Embroidery; The BBC about the Scottish Design Competition; The Council of Industrial Design about Exhibitions and their Conference; The Corporation of Glasgow, about the potato harvest; Minutes of the Conference of Representatives from the Central (Art) Institutions, 05 Mar 1948; Miss Joan Eardley about an Exhibition; Glasgow Art Gallery & Museums; correspondence about Hospitalfield; Arthur Guiness & Co ltd, about sending the School booklets; correspondence about the Book Binding Room, formerly the Animal Room, in the Art School; The Edinburgh College of Art about staffing salaries; correspondence with Central (Art) Institutions, Gray's School of Art Aberdeen, Dundee College of Art, and Edinburgh College of Art; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; McCorquodale Co Ltd Printers about the Art School prospectus; Hornsey School of Art about an Exhibition; New Zealand Government Offices about a place for a student they have awarded a bursary; Nikolaus Pevsner, Penguin Books, about architectural plans of the School building; The Royal Scottish Academy of Music, about a proposed Drama School; The Saltire Society about a Housing Design Competition; correspondence with the Scottish Woollen Technical College; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; article on 'Lennox Paterson's Wood-Engravings' by D P Bliss; Basil Spence about a talk at the Art School; correspondence with the Glasgow Tree Lovers' Society; Sheffield College of Art about a Silversmithing Exhibition. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/3/1: Correspondence, A-L, 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/2: 'Appointments to Teaching Staff', 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/3: 'Central Art Institutions', 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/4: 'Commandos' Scottish Appeal', 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/5: Correspondence, M-Z, 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/6: 'Models' Wages', 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/7: 'Pottery Kiln', 1947-1948 DIR/12/1/3/8: 'Silversmithing Exhibition', 1948

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1951. Includes correspondence and papers: Herbert D Adams about selling box-wood to the Art School; a review of ARK, a student magazine; the Arts Council of Great Britain, including a programme of 'fixtures', Dec 1951; correspondence with Principals of other Art Schools in Scotland: Dundee, Edinburgh, Aberdeen; corresponence about the British Electricity Association Posters; Sam Black, the National Committee for the Training of Teachers, about teaching in the School; information about the James Brough Memorial Prize, 1950-51; the British School at Rome about Scholarships; correspondence about a competition to design a curtain for the Cosmo Cinema; correspondence with the Council of Industrial Design, Scottish Committee about various matters including the Register of Designers for Scotland; correspondence with the Danish Society about a Scholarship; correspondence with the Edinburgh College of Art; correspondence about the Festival of Britain; the Folio Society ltd about the illustrating of a rediscovered Thomas Jefferson Hogg novel; Georgia Institute of Technology about a visit to study Mackintosh; correspondence with the Governors of the School; correspondence about the Hospitalfield Trust; Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd, about a Trade Mark competition; Miss Margie Johnstone, asking advice about becoming a dress designer, includes illustrations; correspondence with Liberty & Co Ltd, about an exhibition of Furniture designed and made by students; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; Charles Paine about a visit to the School and personal matters; document: 'The Scope and Standard of Work Expected by a Student at Diploma Level who is Specialising in Pottery at the Glasgow School of Art'; Permits for the use of School premises; private correspondence of Bliss; correspondence and papers about an Exhibition courtesy of the Rayon Industry Design Centre; correspondence with the Royal College of Art, Kensington; personal receipts of Bliss; correspondence and papers about the Harold W Sanderson Art in Industry Fund; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with the SRC; correspondence with Staff; Glasgow Tree Lovers Society; Victoria & Albert Museum, pamphlet of 'Material Available for Loan to Art Schools...'; Walter Wilkinson, inviting him to the Art School to perform a Puppet Show. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/7/1: Directions on 'Filing Letters for the Director', Dec 1951 DIR/12/1/7/2: Correspondence, 'A', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/3: 'Art School Principals', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/7: Correspondence, 'E', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/8: Correspondence, 'F', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/9: Correspondence, 'G', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/10: 'Governors', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/11: Correspondence, 'H', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/12: Correspondence, 'I', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/13: Correspondence, 'J', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/14: Correspondence, 'K', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/15: Correspondence, 'L', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/16: 'Library', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/17: Correspondence, 'M', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/18: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/19: Correspondence, 'N', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/20: Correspondence, 'O', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/21: Correspondence, 'P', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/22: 'Permits', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/23: 'Private Correspondence', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/24: Correspondence, 'R', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/25: 'Receipts- Personal', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/26: Correspondence, 'S', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/27: 'SRC Correspondence', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/28: 'Staff', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/29: Correspondence, 'T', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/30: Correspondence, 'V', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/31: Correspondence, 'W', 1951 DIR/12/1/7/32: Correspondence, 'Y & Z', 1951

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1956. Includes correspondence with: the Associated Examining Board; correspondence with the Arts Council of Great Britain; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland and staff; Sam Black, Jordanhill Training College, about an Honours Art qualification; Edward Bawden about a recommendation for a position at the Art School; Freeman Bass, about the formation of a William Morris Society; G K Beaulah, about the Glasgow School of Art Coat of Arms; Duncan R Currie, a report of his travels in Scandinavian countries; Emilio Coia, about a Glasgow Art Ball; correspondence with the Corporation of Glasgow; correspondence with The Cotton Board; the Dante Alighieri Society; correspondence with the Design Research Unit; correspondence about the Diploma Show; the Educational Institute of Scotland, Central Art Committee, about the Art Section and the qualifications of teachers; Miss Kathleen Forrest, about her travels in Italy and Spain; correspondence with the Glasgow Institute of Architects; correspondence with the Governors of the School; Elizabeth P Hamilton, about her travels in Holland; James S Hooper about his travels in Italy; correspondence about the Hospitalfield Trust; correspondence with Anthony Hunt; Miss Jean Irwin, about the lectures she delivered to 3rd year students; correspondence about Leverhulme Research Awards; Mitchells, Johnston & Co, about the Bellahouston Bequest Fund; Miss Elizabeth B Mitchell, from the Town and Country Planning Association, about the projected Stow College building; Letter to the Occupier of the House, Southpark Avenue, asking if the house owner would let a student into the house to view some of their Mackintosh furniture; Isabel Macintosh, about an article on Cosimo Rosselli written by Bliss for Scottish Art Review; Mrs McKenzie-Anderson, the Tree Lovers Society; correspondence with George Middlemass, the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; correspondence with Pei Tze-Sheng, the Exhibition Delegation of the People's Republic of China, about a display at Wylie & Lochhead Ltd; Nikolaus Pevsner, about a Mackintosh Tea Room; Permits for the use of School property; private correspondence; the Scottish Union of Students, about a proposed Soviet student delegation; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; Hugh Scrutton about his visit to Glasgow; correspondence with the SRC; correspondence with School Staff; the National Association for the prevention of Tuberculosis, about a poster competition; correspondence with the Victoria & Albert Museum; William Young about a bronze figurine a student was casting fo him. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/12/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/2: 'Arts Council of Great Britain', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/3: 'Art School Principals', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/6: 'Corporation of Glasgow', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/7: 'Cotton, The Board', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/8: Correspondence, 'D', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/9: 'Dante Alighieri Society', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/10: 'Design Research Unit', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/11: 'Diploma Show', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/12: Correspondence, 'E', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/13: Correspondence, 'F', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/14: Correspondence, 'G', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/15: 'Glasgow Institute of Architects', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/16: 'Governors', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/17: Correspondence, 'H', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/18: 'Hospitalfield Trust', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/19: 'Hunt, Anthony', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/20: Correspondence, 'I - J', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/21: Correspondence, 'K', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/22: Correspondence, 'L', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/23: Correspondence, 'M', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/24: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/25: 'Middlemas, George', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/26: Correspondence, 'N', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/27: Correspondence, 'O', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/28: Correspondence, 'P - Q', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/29: 'Permits', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/30: 'Private correspondence', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/31: Correspondence, 'R', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/32: Correspondence, 'S', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/33: 'Scottish Education Department', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/34: 'Scrutton, Hugh', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/35: 'SRC', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/36: 'Staff', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/37: Correspondence, 'T', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/38: 'Victoria & Albert Museum', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/39: Correspondence, 'W - X', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/40: Correspondence, 'Y', 1956 DIR/12/1/12/41: Correspondence, 'Z', 1956

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1946-Jan 1947. Includes correspondence with: Miss Emily Agombar, Bliss offering her a position at the School; The British Institute for Adult Education, about "The Artist at Work" Exhibition; The National Gallery of Scotland about Mackintosh Furniture; James Cowie, about student placements at Hospitalfield; Stanley Cursiter, about a portrait of Mackintosh; Principal of Hull College of Arts & Crafts about the duties of a Librarian; Keith Henderson, about an exhibition of illustrated books; The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, about the Corporation of Glasgow having purchased one of Bliss' works; R Kirkland Jamieson, St Martin's School of Art, Bliss discussing his opinons of Art students in Glasgow; The Rt Hon Thomas Johnston, about the Glasgow Diploma not being recognised for teaching purposes in England and the teaching of Embroidery; correspondence about passes for students for a Christmas Carnival; Robert Lyon and others about the visit of puppet expert Walter Wilkinson; correspondence with Mr Miller of the Dunedin Society; Sir John Stirling Maxwell about C R Mackintosh watercolours; The Glasgow Careers Council, about research for a handbook "Careers for Boys and Girls"; Hamish Maclehose, Messrs Robert Maclehose & Co Ltd Printers, about printing jobs for the Art School; list of people who may be willing to donate furniture etc to the Mackintosh Room at the School; circular letter from D P Bliss about the School's aim of building a C R Mackintosh display in the School for visitors; J P McCrum about his taking up a position at the Art School; G S Sandilands, about the Hospitalfield School of Art at Arbroath; report: 'Proposals for collaboration between Stow College of Printing and the Glasgow School of Art' by E G Powell; list of 'Immediate Objectives' of D P Bliss; list of teaching staff; Professor Randolph Schwabe, about finding a staff member for Drawing and Painting; R R Tomlinson, Bliss asking for his help in finding a Head of Design and Crafts for the School and giving his opinions on the department currently; The National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, about an Art Scheme they want to start for patients; Miss Melisande M Woodside, about the Diploma at the Art School and how it differs from an English Art degree. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/1/1: Correspondence, A-L, 1946-1947 (1 folder) DIR/12/1/1/2: Correspondence, M-Z, 1946-1947 (1 folder)

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1948. Includes correspondence with: The Arts Council of Great Britain, about a memorial exhibition of James Pryde and collecting material for a C R Mackintosh Exhibition; 'Art and Industry' magazine about an industrial design competition; The Scottish Council (Development and Industry) about the Scottish Industries Exhibition; John Brown & Co Ltd, Engineers and Shipbuilders, about a student visit to the liner 'Caronia'; The British Council about a visit by Mr Utam Singh; Report by Mr Edward Bawden on Design and Crafts and Commercial Art Diploma Adjudications, Jun 1948; John F Carson, about the Bellahouston Bequest; correspondence about the Council of Industrial Design Conference, "Desginer to User"; William Collins Sons & Co Ltd, about a programme of training for Warehouse Apprentices; tickets to the Distribution of Diplomas; correspondence with other Art Colleges: Edinburgh College of Art, Dundee College of Art and Gray's, Aberdeen; Elspeth A Dickson, about donating her late sister's art materials to the School; correspondence about acquiring Bookbinding materials for the School; Ministry of Education Reports on the National Short Course for Teachers, 'Architectural Education' and Examinations in Art, 1948; correspondence about Hospitalfield; Report on the work of students at Hospitalfield 1948; Keppie & Henderson about the selection of teachers; Memorandum on the Teaching of Fine Art; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; Stockport School of Art about a new kiln; School Permits for the use of School premises; Nikolaus Pevsner about a Mackintosh book; The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Architectural Prizes and Studentships, 1947/48; correspondence with the Royal Scottish Academy; Robert A Stewart, Interim Report; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; list of prospective dances and functions of the SRC 1948-49; correspondence with the Anti-Vivisection Society; circular to staff about a revised scale of salaries; the Saltire Society about Bliss delivering a lecture; list of awards for Competitions for Woven Fabrics, Knitted Fabrics, Yarns and Designs for Printed Fabrics, 1948, The Textile Institute. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/4/1: Correspondence, A-L, 1948 DIR/12/1/4/2: Correspondence, M-Z, 1948

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1949. Includes correspondence with: Edinburgh College of Art about a meeting in Perth; Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen; Dundee College of Art about matters such as salary scales; the Corporation of Glasgow about lectures; The Arts Council of Great Britain about the Exhibition 'Art for All'; Bliss' personal correspondence; British School at Rome, about the Rome Scholarship; Rev James Chisholm, about a Foundation which has been set up to encourage craftsmanship; Glasgow Careers Council about a visit to the School; Creamola Food Products about a working model of their logo; the Council of Industrial Design about an Exhibition in Chicago; the Cosmo cinema, about the film 'la Belle et la Bete'; Mrs Davidson and Mr Duncan about a Flat Bed press; Danish Royal Academy of Fine Art about a student placement; Daily Mail, Ideal Homes Exhibition; Joan Eardley correspondence; correspondence with the Governors; correspondence with Glasgow University Settlement; correspondence about the Glasgow University Centenary Medal; proposed itinerary of Margaret D Gillan under the Travelling Scholarships; correspondence about Hospitalfield; Dr Honeyman, Glasgow Art Galleries; correspondence about the Lady Artists' Club; Conrad McKenna about his travel experiences; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; the National Committee for the Training of Teachers; the Polish Council; Nikolaus Pevsner about a visit to the School; correspondence about a Pre-Raphaelite Lecture; Royal Society of British Artists; some Reports from Assessors, 1949; correspondence about the St Mungo Prize; Miss Rose Carleton Smyth about gifts to the School in memory of her sisters, Dorothy and Olive; correspondence about a Sculpture Exhibition; correspondence with the SRC; correspondence about the Staff Association; correspondence with Benno Schotz; correspondence with the Tree Lovers' Society; D C Thomson and Co, about a vacancy in their firm; correspondence with the Victoria and Albert Museum. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/5/1: Index of Correspondence for the year 1949 DIR/12/1/5/2: Correspondence, 'A', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/3: Correspondence, 'B', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/4: 'Bateman', 1949-1954 DIR/12/1/5/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/7: Correspondence, 'E', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/8: 'Eardley Correspondence', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/9: Correspondence, 'F', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/10: Correspondence, 'G', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/11: Correspondence, 'H', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/12: Correspondence, 'I', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/13: Correspondence, 'J', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/14: Correspondence, 'K', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/15: Correspondence, 'L', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/16: Correspondence, 'M', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/17: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/18: Correspondence, 'N', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/19: Correspondence, 'O', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/20: Correspondence, 'P', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/21: Correspondence, 'R', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/22: Correspondence, 'S', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/23: Correspondence, 'T', 1949 DIR/12/1/5/24: Correspondence, 'U-Y', 1949

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1950. Including correspondence with: the Arts Council of Great Britain about meetings; William Armour, about salary scales for teachers; correspondence with Principals of other Art Schools: Dundee, Edinburgh and Aberdeen; Rev James Brown, about his collection of Art books; the British School at Rome about the Rome Scholarship Exhibition; James Bateman about his position at the Art School, and personal matters; the Council of Industrial Design, Scottish Committee; Fyffe Christie, informing them that they won the Newbery Medal; Sylvia Chalmers, about her Post-Diploma Year; Report on Design in the School; Elder Film Productions Ltd, about making a film of the work of the students; the Corporation of Glasgow, about the potato harvest; correspondence with the Governors of the Art School; correspondence about Hospitalfield and minutes of Trust meetings; W O Hutchison about School matters; Inverness Arts Society about Bliss delivering a lecture for them; correspondence about 'Lettering'; the Lord Provost of Glasgow about a commission; correspondence about the Library; Mrs Masterton, Bliss thanking her for her excellent service to the School as teacher of Bookbinding; Conrad McKenna, about his travels in Rome; William J Macaulay, Glasgow Art Gallery & Museums, about a loan of embroidered items to the Art School; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; the National Committee for the Training of Teachers; correspondence with the Office of the High Commissioner for Pakistan in the UK, Bliss providing information about the Art School; Nikolaus Pevsner about his Mackintosh book; correspondence with the Publicity Club of Glasgow; personal correspondence of D P Bliss; the Royal College of Art, with references for students; the Rayon Industry Design Centre, about an Exhibition; the Royal Society of Arts about a Competition on Industrial Design; correspondence with the Student Representative Council; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with the Victoria & Albert Museum; Dr G Lithgow Wilson, about a gift to the School of his uncle's art materials. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/6/1: Index of Correspondence for the year 1950 DIR/12/1/6/2: Correspondence, 'A', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/3: 'Art Schools, Principals', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/7: Correspondence, 'E', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/8: Correspondence, 'F', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/9: Correspondence, 'G', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/10: 'Governors Correspondence', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/11: Correspondence, 'H', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/12: Correspondence, 'I', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/13: Correspondence, 'J', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/14: Correspondence, 'K', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/15: Correspondence, 'L', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/16: 'Library', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/17: Correspondence, 'M', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/18: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/19: Correspondence, 'N', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/20: Correspondence, 'O', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/21: Correspondence, 'P', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/22: 'Personal Correspondence', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/23: Correspondence, 'R', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/24: Correspondence, 'S', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/25: Correspondence, 'T', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/26: Correspondence, 'V', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/27: Correspondence, 'W', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/28: Correspondence, 'Y', 1950 DIR/12/1/6/29: Correspondence, 'Z', 1950

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1953. Includes correspondence with: the Amalgamated Union of Building Trade, about classes for training apprentice granite workers; the Arts Council of Great Britain; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland: Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh; Edward Bawden, about Christmas cards and other matters; John Betjeman, about a visit to the School; correspondence about an Exhibition of Christmas cards; The Corporation of Glasgow, about the Ingram Street Tea Rooms by Mackintosh; correspondence with the Danish Society about a student visit to Denmark; The Glasgow Institute of Architects about an Exhibition of Prize Drawings; correspondence with the Governors of the Art School; Earl Haig, about a visit from Victor Pasmore; Dr T J Honeyman, Kelvingrove Art Gallery, about David Dale's House; correspondence about Hospitalfield; The Lady Artists Club; The Lord Lyon King of Arms, about the lack of knowledge of Heraldry in the Art School; Report on the Brayshaw Gas Pottery Kiln, by Arnold Machin; Arnold Machin, about appointments at the Art School and other matters; correspondence with the Medici Society; correspondence about the Needlework Development Scheme; Victor Pasmore, about a visit to the School; Miss Joyce Peterkin, Bliss congratulating her on her Fashion Show; Nikolaus Pevsner, about various School and personal matters; Permits; Private correspondence; Professor Talbot Rice, about visiting to lecture at the School; correspondence with the Royal College of Art, South Kensington; the Saltire Society; the Scottish Education Department; the Scottish Milk Records Association; Mary Sturrock, about the death of her husband; correspondence with the Student Representative Council; correspondence with School Staff; the Tree Lovers' Society; United Turkey Red, about a vacancy in their Design Room; Victoria & Albert Museum. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/9/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/2: 'Art School Principals', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/3: Correspondence, 'B', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/4: Correspondence, 'C', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/5: Correspondence, 'D', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/6: Correspondence, 'E', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/7: Correspondence, 'F', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/8: Correspondence, 'G', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/9: 'Governors', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/10: Correspondence, 'H', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/11: Correspondence, 'I', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/12: Correspondence, 'J', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/13: Correspondence, 'K', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/14: Correspondence, 'L', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/15: Correspondence, 'M', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/16: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/17: Correspondence, 'N', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/18: Correspondence, 'O', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/19: Correspondence, 'P', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/20: 'Permits', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/21: 'Private Letters', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/22: Correspondence, 'Q', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/23: Correspondence, 'R', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/24: Correspondence, 'S', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/25: 'SRC- Student Representative Council', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/26: 'Staff', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/27: Correspondence, 'T', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/28: Correspondence, 'U & V', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/29: Correspondence, 'W', 1953 DIR/12/1/9/30: Correspondence, 'Y', 1953

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1954. Includes correspondence with: the Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers of Great Britain and Ireland, about classes for apprentices; the Arts Council of Breat Britain, about various matters such as Exhibitions; correspondence with Glasgow Art Club; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland: Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh; Edward Bawden about a visit to Glasgow; the British Council; the British Rubber Development Board, about weekend course on Latex Foam for Teachers; Miss Agnes Brown, a report of her travels; the Council of Industrial Design; Sylvia Chalmers, about Brass Rubbings; the Corporation of Glasgow, about the display of young Artists' work; correspondence regarding the Head of the Drawing & Painting Department; the Danish Institute about an Exhibition; the Furniture Development Council, about educational facilities in the furniture industry; correspondence with the Glasgow Art Club; Glasgow Art Gallery & Museums about matters such as lectures and a display of Art Films at the School; correspondence with the Glasgow School of Art Association; Miss Fiona Gordon, Glasgow School of Art Fashion Show, Bliss congratulating her on a successful show; correspondence with the Governors of the School; correspondence about Hospitalfield; House & Garden, publication, about an article written by Bliss; correspondence with the Italian Institute about an Exhibition; Leeds College of Art, about them lending prints to Glasgow; The Lord Lion King of Arms, about a Registered Coat of Arms for the Art School; Norman Mack, report of his Travelling Scholarship; The Monotype Corporation, about the design of their 1955 calendar; R D Macleod, the Library Review, about Morris' visit to Glasgow in 1889 and other matters; C A Oakley, about a cover for the Students' Song Book; The Pottery (Health and Welfare) Special Regulations 1950; Permits; private correspondence; correspondence about the awarding of the Robert Hart Bursaries; The Royal Scottish Museum about the disbanding of their cast collection; the Royal Technical College, about various School matters; correspondence about requests for Bliss to speak during a Russian visit; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; Stow College of Printing, about the production of a book; correspondence with the SRC; correspondence with School Staff; the Town and Country Planning Association, about a meeting; Wedgewood, about an Exhibition at the Art School. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/10/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/2: 'Art Club Letters'- 1954-1955. File of letters exchanged with the Club Secretary and circular letters to members. This folder is also arranged by alphabetical dividers within. DIR/12/1/10/3: 'Art School Principals', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/7: Correspondence, 'E', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/8: Correspondence, 'F', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/9: Correspondence, 'G', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/10: 'Governors', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/11: Correspondence, 'H', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/12: Correspondence, 'I', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/13: Correspondence, 'J', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/14: Correspondence, 'K', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/15: Correspondence, 'L', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/16: Correspondence, 'M', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/17: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/18: Correspondence, 'N', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/19: Correspondence, 'O', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/20: Correspondence, 'P', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/21: 'Permits', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/22: 'Private Correspondence', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/23: Correspondence, 'R', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/24: Correspondence, 'S', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/25: 'SRC', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/26: 'Staff', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/27: Correspondence, 'T', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/28: Correspondence, 'U & V', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/29: Correspondence, 'W', 1954 DIR/12/1/10/30: Correspondence, 'Y', 1954

*Not available / given

Correspondence of D P Bliss

Correspondence of Douglas Percy Bliss, 1955. Includes correspondence with: the Advertising Review, about student subscriptions; the Arts Council of Great Britain; correspondence with other Principals of Art Schools in Scotland: Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh; Frank Burnet, about nominations for the St Mungo Prize; the British Rubber Development Board, about a Latex Foam in Furniture travelling display; E S Broadbent, about Ingram Street tea rooms; Det Danske Selskab, about a student visit to Denmark; correspondence with the Dante Alighieri Society; Joan Eardley, about her election as an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy; the Glasgow Herald, about Exhibitions and other matters; the Glasgow Institute of Architects, about RIBA Prize drawings; Glasgow Museums, about lectures and other matters; the Glasgow School of Art Association; Glasgow University Fine Art Society; correspondence with the Governors of the School; Hector Hetherington, University of Glasgow, about Leverhulme bursaries; correspondence with the Health Department for Scotland; correspondence about the Hospitalfield Trust; Imperial Chemical Industries, about supplies; Council of Industrial Design; Liberty & Co London, about an Exhibition of student Lithographs; correspondence about Leverhulme Scholarships; Mitchells, Johnston & Co, about the Bellahouston Bequest Fund; Eric Newton about his lecture at the Art School; the National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service, Report of an inspection of the Art School; the Polish Cultural Institute, about an Exhibition of Polish Film Posters at the School; Permits; private correspondence; correspondence with the Royal College of Art; correspondence with the Glasgow Royal Institute of the Fine Arts; Miss Anne MacDonald Scott, about the exhibition of her Dolls in the School; the Scottish Society of Women Artists, about an Exhibition at the Art School; correspondence with the Scottish Education Department; correspondence with the SRC; correspondence with School Staff; the Victoria & Albert Museum, about an 'open weekend' before a period of closure; the Ministry of Works, about a plaque for a pew donated to Glasgow Catheral by the School. Folders as follows: DIR/12/1/11/1: Correspondence, 'A', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/2: 'Arts Council of Great Britain', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/3: 'Art School Principals', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/4: Correspondence, 'B', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/5: Correspondence, 'C', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/6: Correspondence, 'D', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/7: 'Dante Alighieri Society', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/8: Correspondence, 'E', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/9: Correspondence, 'F', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/10: Correspondence, 'G', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/11: 'Governors', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/12: Correspondence, 'H', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/13: 'Health Department for Scotland', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/14: 'Hospitalfield Trust, Patrick Allan Fraser', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/15: Correspondence, 'I', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/16: Correspondence, 'J', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/17: Correspondence, 'K', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/18: Correspondence, 'L', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/19: 'Leverhulme Scholarships in the Fine Arts', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/20: Correspondence, 'M', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/21: Correspondence, 'Mc', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/22: Correspondence, 'N', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/23: Correspondence, 'O', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/24: Correspondence, 'P', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/25: 'Permits', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/26: 'Private', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/27: Correspondence, 'Q', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/28: Correspondence, 'R', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/29: 'Royal, the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/30: Correspondence, 'S', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/31: 'Scottish Education Department', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/32: 'SRC', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/33: 'Staff', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/34: Correspondence, 'T', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/35: Correspondence, 'U - V', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/36: Correspondence, 'W', 1955 DIR/12/1/11/37: Correspondence, 'Y', 1955

*Not available / given

Notices and Reports

Glasgow School of Art Notices and Reports. Includes: Notice about student behaviour; Report on 1951 session at Hospitalfield; report and general remarks of the Art adjudications for Diplomas 1951; copy of report on the Drawing and Painting Dept; Report by Mr Arnold Machin on Sculpture diplomas; Report on Design and Crafts; external assessors reports; Report on Article 55 and Article 39 classes; Session 1950-51, 2nd Year General Course, Section I- marks list; Post Diploma Pottery- suggested programme for 1951-1952; Revision of teaching staff salaries report; Revision of Fees report; Salary Scales for teachers.

*Not available / given